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‘It’s definitely a flare – call the US coast guard!!!’| Episode 31
Sailing Aequus
Published: May 08, 2022
‘It’s definitely a flare – call the US coast guard!!!’| Episode 31
In this episode We arrive at Cape May and lay the anchor down for the night after getting very wet and cold, what a difference a day makes! We get up early the next day and explore the town of Cape May, we don’t find treasure but we find a little piece...
4 days at sea, NO WIND!!! | SAILING AEQUUS Episode 23
Sailing Aequus
Published: Nov 26, 2021
4 days at sea, NO WIND!!! | SAILING AEQUUS Episode 23
- As we continue our 4-day journey towards America, we have issues with the wind throughout the whole trip. - We pull in and out the code zero and the other sails more times than we can count.. - However, we are blessed for the amazing GULF STREAM whic...
Moving faster than the wind in the Gulf Stream: BUT WHO lost the fish, was it Philippa or James??
Sailing Aequus
Published: Oct 29, 2021
Moving faster than the wind in the Gulf Stream: BUT WHO lost the fish, was it Philippa or James??
We can fish, we can't fish, we can fish, we can't fish - WE CAN FISH!!!! whohoooooo In this episode, we have dinner at the dockside before leaving the next day towards America Within 10 minutes into our journey we have already caught, not 1 but 2 fish, a...
Philippa catches dinner!!: we arrive in the Exumas and surprise some friends | Episode 16.
Sailing Aequus
Published: Jul 09, 2021
Philippa catches dinner!!: we arrive in the Exumas and surprise some friends | Episode 16.
After we anchored in Hogsty reef for the night, after a few hours with the boat swaying wildly from side to side we sadly decide to leave the atoll, it was just too rough! Philippa catches a beautiful Mahi Mahi We anchor in total darkness without the gui...