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Exterior Lagoon 42 Catamaran Boat Tour Part 1 EP 30
Sailing Starship Friendship
Published: Apr 07, 2019
Exterior Lagoon 42 Catamaran Boat Tour Part 1 EP 30
You asked for it... here it is, Starship Friendship BOAT TOUR! This video shows above decks, look for Part 2 to see below. It's been quite a journey - from the comfort of a traditional path to the excitement of new love and the thrill of adventure. After...
Landfall After 13 Days & 2k Miles Sailing Transatlantic EP 29
Sailing Starship Friendship
Published: Mar 31, 2019
Landfall After 13 Days & 2k Miles Sailing Transatlantic EP 29
Sailing across the Atlantic was one of our dreams -- we did it! It was the journey of a lifetime. We might be tired, but we are also grateful for every minute! Live, love & Sail Music is live world music! Episode 29 Season Alpha LOVE STARSHIP ...
Atlantic Sailing Gone Wild! EP 26
Sailing Starship Friendship
Published: Mar 10, 2019
Atlantic Sailing Gone Wild! EP 26
Mid-Atlantic insanity, it’s a thing. As we approach the halfway point, our minds start to wander; idleness becomes antics and our Starship devolves into a theater of shenanigans! It’s ridiculousness for the sake of fun. I confess to being mischievous...
74. BOAT LIFE – Alternative Living in the Keys | Learning the Lines
Learning the Lines
Published: Feb 28, 2019
74. BOAT LIFE – Alternative Living in the Keys | Learning the Lines
After two and a half weeks of waiting, we finally got a mooring ball in Boot Key Harbor. Now the real work (and fun) begins. We drove up to Tampa to pick up our new electric dinghy motor as well as to visit with family. When we got back to the harbor, we...
Strange Sailing Across the Atlantic EP 22
Sailing Starship Friendship
Published: Feb 10, 2019
Strange Sailing Across the Atlantic EP 22
We did figure eights for three hours! Why? Sometimes fishing is more important than sailing, even when you're in a rally. The reward was insane fishing and spear diving. Stopping cost us time, but thanks to ideal sailing conditions, our new cruising chut...
Someone could have lost a finger! EP 19
Sailing Starship Friendship
Published: Jan 20, 2019
Someone could have lost a finger! EP 19
Someone could have lost a finger! Seriously… and there’s a special knot for dealing with the situation. Pay attention - you might need it one day! In addition to the knot drama, the to-do list is long as we prepare to cross the Atlantic ocean. But tha...