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Showing 25-30 of 30 results
ATLANTIC CROSSING – DAY 2 to the Canary Islands | Ep.77
see the little things
Published: May 03, 2021
ATLANTIC CROSSING – DAY 2 to the Canary Islands | Ep.77
Our crew Andy is the host of THE OCEAN CRUISERS PODCAST Check out Andy’s podcast with us on Spotify here! Check out and find something you like. It’s a great way to support this project. ---...
Our boat almost SANK – NOW WHAT?  | 83 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
Beau and Brandy Sailing
Published: Oct 28, 2019
Our boat almost SANK – NOW WHAT? | 83 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
Our boat almost SANK - NOW WHAT? | 83 | Beau and Brandy Sailing If you watched last week, we were rescued by two fishermen about 60 nautical miles of the coast of Grenada. After patching the crack with underwater epoxy that the fishermen passed us, we we...
MAYDAY Rescued at Sea |  82 Beau and Brandy Sailing
Beau and Brandy Sailing
Published: Oct 20, 2019
MAYDAY Rescued at Sea | 82 Beau and Brandy Sailing
MAYDAY RESCUED AT SEA | 82 | Beau and Brandy Sailing For everyone that has asked about the green GOO, here it is: This is part 2 of our longest sail EVER from Puerto Rico to Grenada. Find Part 1 here:
Our Final Sail [Adventure #182]
Adventure Adrift
Published: Oct 14, 2019
Our Final Sail [Adventure #182]
It’s hard to believe that after 3.5 years, this will be our final passage in our beloved Pearson 367, Varuna! After sailing 2600 miles from Hawaii, we close in on our final destination in Washington State, reflecting on the passage before making landfal...
DAYS AT SEA leading to a CRACK IN OUR BOAT | 81 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
Beau and Brandy Sailing
Published: Oct 13, 2019
DAYS AT SEA leading to a CRACK IN OUR BOAT | 81 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
DAYS AT SEA leading to a CRACK IN OUR BOAT | 81 | Beau and Brandy Sailing This is a 2 Part Vlog recounting our sail from Puerto Rico to Grenada. We wanted to show you the beginning of the sail up to the crack and then we have a full video of our mayday an...
Sailing across THE PACIFIC – 21 days at sea / Sailing Aquarius Around the World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Published: Aug 09, 2018
Sailing across THE PACIFIC – 21 days at sea / Sailing Aquarius Around the World
What an adventure! This is (hopefully) our longest sail ever! 21 days without seing the shore and many nautical miles away from it. Distance covered: 3,520 Nautical Miles or 4,050 miles or 6,519 kilometers with some squalls and some wave height of 3+ mete...