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Staying on the Rhumb Line | #18 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
Published: Apr 01, 2018
Staying on the Rhumb Line | #18 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
Want to try the Miso Mackerel in this episode? Check out the link below for the recipe! Sailing offshore is a mixed bag...crazy activity followed by extreme calm and everything in-between. A Canadian fisheries plane buzzes by to check us out as we battle ...
Iceberg! | #16 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
Published: Mar 18, 2018
Iceberg! | #16 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
Drake is cooking up a great chicken caesar wrap for lunch. Now should he use romaine or...ICEBERG! Our entire sail to Greenland we have been anticipating seeing our first iceberg. Well captain, iceberg dead ahead! Is this the first of many? Stay with us! ...
Jury Rig At Sea | #15 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
Published: Mar 11, 2018
Jury Rig At Sea | #15 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
The best preparation cannot prevent things from breaking at sea. The question is, are you prepared to perform a repair on a boat offshore when help is nowhere near? The crew of Paragon attempts to jury-rig a broken whisker pole and finds the task to be a b...
Snapped In Half | #14 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
Published: Mar 04, 2018
Snapped In Half | #14 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 4
It's the first day on the water in our journey to Greenland and Paragon has lost sight of shore. The first night is a bit rough as everyone gets used to being on the water with rolling seas. Will the wind pick up? Will we be able to turn off the engine? Wi...
“Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond” — the Book
Christian Williams
Published: Mar 07, 2016
“Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond” — the Book
Available at Amazon. "Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond" by Christian Williams. East Wind Press, 286 pages. Pub date March 6, 2016. Watch the YouTube Video here: In 15 years at The Washington P...