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Ep 81 | Boobies on the Starboard Bow, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Published: Feb 19, 2018
Ep 81 | Boobies on the Starboard Bow, Sailing Nutshell
E81 Vlog of Life in a Nutshell sailing travels. Magnus tackles the never ending boat jobs and gets more of them ticked off the list. We check out the little town of Jimenez and have our first breakfast out. The beautiful booby birds visit us on the boat...
Ep 78 | Monster Dorado, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Published: Feb 10, 2018
Ep 78 | Monster Dorado, Sailing Nutshell
E78 Vlog of Life in a Nutshell sailing travels. We leave the beautiful Santa Catalina and head towards a charming anchorage, Puerto Escondido. Plenty of cleaning and fixing. We are accompanied by dolphins along the way. We poke around Isla Ranchera and...
HOOKED ON BOOBIES [Adventure #88]
Adventure Adrift
Published: Dec 08, 2017
HOOKED ON BOOBIES [Adventure #88]
We hit a Brown Booby fishing streak sailing in the Northern Sea of Cortez, which requires lots of booby rescues, creative deterrent methods and rehabilitation for these cute sea birds. We sail into our first port on mainland Mexico and anchor with the shr...