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Showing 49-60 of 105 results
Our BEST Anniversary Yet | Sailing Our Catamaran In The Exuma Land and Sea Park
Folsom Ocean Views
Published: Jul 11, 2021
Our BEST Anniversary Yet | Sailing Our Catamaran In The Exuma Land and Sea Park
We have been sailing in the Bahamas for over 3 months and have yet to really take a minute to enjoy ourselves. That ends this week as we took time off of work and went into the Exumas Cays Land & Sea Park - one of the most amazing places we could ever ...
Shipping To The Bahamas Is EASIER Than You Think | Repairing Our Sailing Catamaran
Folsom Ocean Views
Published: Jul 04, 2021
Shipping To The Bahamas Is EASIER Than You Think | Repairing Our Sailing Catamaran
When your watermaker breaks unexpectedly on your sailing catamaran and you don't have a spare on board to fix it, things get messy pretty quickly on a boat! We got trapped on board with a few gallons of water for 6 days, and had no easy way to fill up the...
Why to take the ICW when traveling down the US East Coast (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 85)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Apr 24, 2021
Why to take the ICW when traveling down the US East Coast (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 85)
There are two options when heading south down the US east coast, you can take the offshore route which is more exposed to weather but more direct or take the "inside" route down the ICW. The ICW is a 3,000 mile long inland waterway down the Atlantic and G...
Off Season Cruising down the Chesapeake (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 83)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Apr 10, 2021
Off Season Cruising down the Chesapeake (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 83)
Annapolis seems to have some sort of magnetic pull on us in the late fall 😂, this years challenge is to escape before the first snow falls..can we do it?! This town is a great stopover for us as we make our way up and down the east coast. We have lots...
Can We Escape Maine? Time to Sail South!! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 80)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Mar 20, 2021
Can We Escape Maine? Time to Sail South!! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 80)
We seem to make a habit of overstaying our season in each spot we travel to 🙃. Whether it is the sweltering heat of the Bahamas this past June (almost July) or the freezing cold air in Maine at the end of October, we just seem to stay too late LOL. Well...
Injury at Sea (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 79)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Mar 13, 2021
Injury at Sea (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 79)
When it rains, it pours! This episode opens with us disconnecting our tow from S/V Delos and getting Calico Skies anchored under power from our dinghy. We being the process of flushing the transmission fluid several times after getting the dipstick caught ...
100 Days in a DESERTED ISLAND, Real Story  – Unforgettable Sailing Ep. 173
Unforgettable Sailing
Published: Mar 11, 2021
100 Days in a DESERTED ISLAND, Real Story – Unforgettable Sailing Ep. 173
Can you survive 100 Days in a DESERTED ISLAND?? 🏝 3 months stranded in a paradisiac and deserted island with no grocery stores, no internet, no cars and no other people living around, having to catch food in nature and sometimes fight for it with local...
No wind, no transmission, no problem! S/V Delos to the rescue! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 78)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Mar 06, 2021
No wind, no transmission, no problem! S/V Delos to the rescue! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 78)
We are at the point in our season where we are starting to make our way back south and west after getting within ten miles of the Canadian border. Our first stop is Mud Hole. This sweet anchorage is only accessible at high tide. This entrance to this harbo...
Off the Beaten Path, Sailing Down East Maine in the Fall (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 77)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Feb 27, 2021
Off the Beaten Path, Sailing Down East Maine in the Fall (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 77)
In this episode we decide to throw caution to the wind and sail to the very north eastern tip of Maine, right at the Canadian border. Its late September and we should be heading south but adventure calls! Exploring Cross Island is a real treat. The islan...
Maine or the Caribbean? (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 76)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Feb 20, 2021
Maine or the Caribbean? (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 76)
With our summer boat projects complete it's time to get down to the business of exploring Maine. Our first stop is a sweet anchorage bordering Acadia National Park where we reunite with several members of TTYC, our quarantine crew from the Bahamas (Ada, Av...
Sailing Mexico: We found a HUGE SHIPWRECK! Ep.45
Sailing Bohemia
Published: Feb 18, 2021
Sailing Mexico: We found a HUGE SHIPWRECK! Ep.45
In this episode we reach the gorgeous Bahía Salinas on Isla Carmen, and stumble upon an enormous shipwreck in the shallow waters of the bay. It was a fascinating experience to free dive on the sunken ship, which is now home to the largest number of fish w...
Delos & Calico Livin’ large off the Sea on our Private Island (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 73)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Jan 31, 2021
Delos & Calico Livin’ large off the Sea on our Private Island (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 73)
If you had to spend 14 days "self isolating" upon entering the state of Maine, can you picture a better way to spend it than on a private island?!?! We got really lucky this past August as our friends on S/V Delos were offered the use of an island off the ...