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♫ THE BOAT WILL NOT TIP OVER! ♬ (A Sailing Song)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
♫ THE BOAT WILL NOT TIP OVER! ♬ (A Sailing Song)
Today we bring you an original song Emily wrote and dedicated to the crews of SV Little Sister, SV Sixth Girl, and SV Temptress in commemoration of the trials and tribulations endured while crossing from the Bahamas to Luperon, DR in July 2020. When we fin...
La Vaga Jamming (Sailing La Vagabonde) – ‘Lay It Down – The Rubens’
Sailing La Vagabonde
La Vaga Jamming (Sailing La Vagabonde) – ‘Lay It Down – The Rubens’
Hello earthlings. La Vagabonde is now in Cape Verde! We have had some crazy sails/adventures lately, and the new episode is nearly done with processing and should be up by tomorrow. My Windows laptop pretty much blew up... after months of Riley teasing m...
When We Were Young – Lora Bidner w/ Raphael Weinroth-Browne
Finding Simon
When We Were Young – Lora Bidner w/ Raphael Weinroth-Browne
We filmed this for Lora Bidner back in the fall @ Folkfest in Ottawa. It was an absolute downpour, for those of us that made it out and braved the cold rain the performance was that much more eerie and melodic. Totally gave me chills. for more on Lora Bid...
Let the sun shine
Adventures of an old Seadog
Let the sun shine
An original song from me. Not really a sea shanty but still a tale of the ocean.
Double trouble
Adventures of an old Seadog
Double trouble
Nothing serious, just messing around with a few ideas. Since I haven't done a video for a while thought I'd put this up. I'm using two harmonicas, one played normally and the other in 'cross harp' style. That is they are in different keys so one is blown ...