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Wooden masts YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 29 results
Sailing to a remote, timeless village on Panama’s pacific coast | Sailing Sitka Ep 156
Sailing Sitka
Sailing to a remote, timeless village on Panama’s pacific coast | Sailing Sitka Ep 156
Jay and Kenna sail further into Panamanian waters only to discover a hidden gem of a village which was completely stuck in time. Join us on this special 3 year anniversary episode as we sail to Bahia Honda on Panama's pacific coast and learn to live slowly...
Feeling the wrath of Mother Nature: Can we catch a break? | Sailing Sitka Ep 146
Sailing Sitka
Feeling the wrath of Mother Nature: Can we catch a break? | Sailing Sitka Ep 146
In this episode of Sailing Sitka, we can't seem to catch a break when it comes to anchorages or the forecast of Central America. We sail to Playa Del Coco to officially check into the beautiful country of Costa Rica, which was a long but free process. Coco...
Can we escape this rolley hell? | Sailing Sitka Ep 145
Sailing Sitka
Can we escape this rolley hell? | Sailing Sitka Ep 145
In this episode of sailing sitka, we are anchored in San Jaun Del Sur, the southernmost port in Nicaragua. As much as this anchorage was suggested by multiple friends, it turned out to be the second rolliest anchorage we've ever experienced on the pacific ...
Dodging lightning squalls on our sail to Nicaragua (extended cut) | Sailing Sitka Ep 142
Sailing Sitka
Dodging lightning squalls on our sail to Nicaragua (extended cut) | Sailing Sitka Ep 142
We are happy to share with you our 360 nm passage from Chiapas, Mexico to Puesta Del Sol, Nicaragua. Finally, after 2 seasons of sailing Mexico, we have checked out and hit the seas to sail south to a new country, but not without dodging some weather while...
Repairing our damaged masts… (+ splash day)  | Sailing Sitka Ep 140
Sailing Sitka
Repairing our damaged masts… (+ splash day) | Sailing Sitka Ep 140
In this episode of sailing sitka, we take the time to repair our damaged sitka spruce masts from some very destructive holes created by woodpeckers here in Chiapas, Mexico. We are so happy to be splashed and back in the marina, floating for the first time ...
We have holes in our masts! Inspecting woodpecker damage… | Sailing Sitka Ep 139
Sailing Sitka
We have holes in our masts! Inspecting woodpecker damage… | Sailing Sitka Ep 139
On this episode of sailing Sitka, we tackle day 2 and 3 in the boat yard here in Chiapas, Mexico. During this time we start diving into our biggest worry yet. While we were away for off season, we got notified that a woodpecker (or more) were attacking our...
Last stop in Mexico!!! | Sailing Sitka Ep 136
Sailing Sitka
Last stop in Mexico!!! | Sailing Sitka Ep 136
In this episode of sailing sitka, we sail up to Chiapas Mexico which is the most southern port to either clear in or out from. Here, we will be getting a slip to do some much needed cleaning and maintenance to Sitka before hauling her out for our off seaso...
Spending days at sea (raw, uncut, extended footage) | Sailing Sitka Ep 133
Sailing Sitka
Spending days at sea (raw, uncut, extended footage) | Sailing Sitka Ep 133
In this episode of sailing sitka, we take you through day 2 and 3 of an offshore passage at sea. Life aboard a sailing while sailing for days at a time can be either extremely boring or unintentionally eventful... we show you it all on this weeks uncut, ra...
350 NM offshore passage | Sailing Sitka Ep 132
Sailing Sitka
350 NM offshore passage | Sailing Sitka Ep 132
On this episode of Sailing Sitka, we how you what it is like to be on an offshore passage out at sea. We show rawness, unedited clips and life in general out on the big blue! In this mini series, we will be posting extended footage with barely any edits! W...
3 days of RAW boat life at sea. | Sailing Sitka Ep 129
Sailing Sitka
3 days of RAW boat life at sea. | Sailing Sitka Ep 129
3 days of raw boat life footage while sailing at sea. In this episode of sailing sitka, we sail 190 NM from Ensenada Carrizal to Zihuatanejo and show what it is like to spend numerous days sailing offshore the pacific coast of Mexico.
The epitome of cruising! (Ensenada Carrizal) | Sailing Sitka Ep 128
Sailing Sitka
The epitome of cruising! (Ensenada Carrizal) | Sailing Sitka Ep 128
Join the adventures of Jay and Kenna as they uncover the beauty of Ensenada Carrizal, a secluded gem in Mexico. Watch now and experience the stunning snorkeling spots, their journey to Sail 190 nautical miles to Zano, and gain valuable sailing tips from th...
“A shocking sight to sail by…” | Sailing Sitka Ep 126
Sailing Sitka
“A shocking sight to sail by…” | Sailing Sitka Ep 126
Sailing Sitka Episode 126: Leaving Barra Manzano & Exploring Shipwrecks - Join Canadian couple Jay and Kenna as they depart from Barra Manzano, Mexico after two weeks spent making new friends, partying, and eating great food. Setting sail for Manzano, 27 n...
“THIS is what we live for!” | Sailing Sitka Ep 106
Sailing Sitka
“THIS is what we live for!” | Sailing Sitka Ep 106
This is what we live for! On this episode of Sailing Sitka, we sail from San Jaunico to Isla Coronados which turns out to be a glorious down wind sail. Our 1976 Cheoylee Offshore 41 sailboat LOVES sailing wing on wing and we are reminded exactly why we do ...
First OFFSHORE PASSAGE of the Season! | Sailing Sitka Ep 98
Sailing Sitka
First OFFSHORE PASSAGE of the Season! | Sailing Sitka Ep 98
First offshore passage of the season! In this episode of sailing sitka, we take our newly refitted sailboat on a sail across the Sea of Cortez after weeks of working on at her on the hard! We test out all our new upgrades and sail to our first anchorage of...
Did we just WASTE THOUSANDS $$$ on this? | Sailing Sitka Ep 91
Sailing Sitka
Did we just WASTE THOUSANDS $$$ on this? | Sailing Sitka Ep 91
Did we just waste thousands of dollars on this? In this episode of sailing sitka, we come upon some sad news. After doing some regular maintenance to our wooden masts, we try out our new piece of equitment that will change the sailing game for Sitka... onl...