Wonderful indonesia YouTube Videos
Showing 1-13 of 13 results

Leaving INDONESIA behind! Sailing to THAILAND! Ep 292
Nandji had been in Indonesian waters for a year now. It's time to leave and sail across the Malacca Strait to Thailand!! https://www.sailingnandji.com In this episode, we clear out of Indonesia and head out to sea on a 220 nautical mile sail across the b...
The HARDEST THINGS about Living SO REMOTE!!! Ep 284
Just pop down to the shops to pick up a few things.... This means a full day scooter riding and a 100 nautical mile sail!!! https://www.sailingnandji.com In this episode, we are out in the Mentawai Islands in need of supplies before some bad weather arriv...
Us Australians have to go and poke the bear!!! Searching for crocodiles in mangroves!! https://www.sailingnandji.com In this episode, we are anchored up in one of the best anchorages we have ever been in. Protected from all the elements and a short tender...
SHIPWRECK!! A reminder of how lucky we are to save our Boat… Ep 276
Big fish, Stormy sails and another Shipwreck... https://www.sailingnandji.com In this episode, the journey south towards our atoll destination continues. We set off from the Telos islands planning an overnight sail with the full moon. The glassy seas soon...
Sunshine, Squalls and Squabbles... The joys of living on a small boat https://www.sailingnandji.com In this episode, we wake up to a pristine morning at the equator, getting under way in mirror like conditions we decide to drop anchor after seeing the hou...
Tiny boat, BIG LIFE! Sailing Remote Indonesian Islands! Ep 274
With a remote atoll oasis 400nm away, let's begin the journey to heaven!!... https://www.sailingnandji.com In this episode, out to sea we go and it is downwind dream sailing, until its abruptly over... Smashed by squalls, we break the running rigging and ...
Morning Routine living on a Boat | Episode 263 | Sailing Catalpa
This episode we show Sara's and Lee morning routine and go on a family adventure in Wayag islands Raja Ampat Cheers everyone for watching!! To see more of our videos and subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXEjpiYKr-hCbtqwC8RXwtg? To SUPPORT us ...
Lost in Paradise | Raja Ampat Balbulol Island Indonesia Episode 252
This episode we have some beach days and tie up in new backyard in misool Indonesia Cheers everyone for watching!! To see more of our videos and subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXEjpiYKr-hCbtqwC8RXwtg? To SUPPORT us and our productions become...
Misool Raja Ampat |Sailing Indonesia Episode 251 (Sailing Catalpa)
This week we show you why this place is called the last Paradise and we go for a night snorkel. Cheers everyone for watching!! To see more of our videos and subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXEjpiYKr-hCbtqwC8RXwtg? To SUPPORT us and our produ...
Wonderful Indonesia 2019 : The Beauty Of Indonesia By Sea
(Pour nos chers francophones, description en francais juste en dessous ) After 6 months of sailing in Indonesian and with more than 50 anchorages, here is a short video pictured by the sky, showing you all the best places I've been able to see in this wond...
BALI adventures Episode 116 Sailing Catalpa
This week on Sailing Catalpa we explore Bali on land, play in waterfalls, sleep in beds that don't rock and hang out with friends we haven't seen in years! We hope you enjoy and Cheers everyone for watching!! To see more of our videos and subscribe link...
GOAT that thinks its a DOG and SAVING a TURTLE | Episode 112 (Sailing Catalpa)
Hey guys this week on Sailing Catalpa we sail to Deserts Point meet some friendly locals one of which is very cheeky and we think thinks itself is a dog. We are rescue a turtle and see some damage from the Lombok earthquakes that happened this year. We h...