Winter liveaboard YouTube Videos
Showing 16-30 of 36 results

Winter Came Early… ALONE in a Snow Storm
Winter came early this year with a sudden snow storm and cold snap. This early season snow was a reminder about what winter boat life is really about.
Still COLD but not ALONE | Winter Storms and a Cold Snap | Winter Boat Life
In this episode we experience a late season cold snap and take you along for our daily routines while living on the boat during winter.
COLD and ALONE // Plus a Moisture Update! // Winter Boat Life
In this episode I spend a few days alone on the boat during a cold snap. I take you along for many of our daily routines while living on the boat during winter.
A Snowstorm Hit our Sailboat! // Realities of Cold Winter Boat Life
Huge snow fall, freezing temperatures, frozen pipes... some days on the boat are tough.
Minimalist Holiday Traditions (Tiny Living) / Christmas Aboard a Sailboat
In this episode we show you what it looks like for us to celebrate the holidays while living in our tiny floating home. We set up our Christmas lights...
Getting the Boat Ready for Winter *we left our dinghy in the water too long* // Blue Moon Life Ep.53
In this video we prepare our little sailboat home for the winter time by setting up a tarp and removing the dinghy from the water.
Ep 10: Worst storm in over 40 years. HURRICANE force winds threaten our sailboat with disaster.
In this episode of Towards the Adventure, we're not quite done wrapping our sailboat for the winter when a 2 day storm hits us. Winds over 140kph/80mph shake our boat and have us rolling heavily while tied to the dock. Things fall over, and we're on edge a...
Upgrading Our Boat’s Insulation (new stuff looks WAY better) \ Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep.19
In this video, we upgrade some of our boat's insulation with some 1/2" foam puzzle piece floor mats. Moisture is still public enemy number one on the sailboat.
Ep 9: Winter Sailboat Liveaboard: We build a shrink wrap cover to keep our boat warm for the winter
In this episode of Towards the Adventure, our crew spends 20 hours putting shrink wrap on our boat, as we await a winter storm. The winds pick up earlier than expected, and we end up putting a hole in the boat's shrink-wrap. Our tiny home on the water will...
Upgrading our Marine Toilet Seat // Beautify Blue Moon // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 17
In this episode we FINALLY get around to dealing with our very old and grungy toilet. We freshen up our toilet seat with a new coat of paint.
Easy DIY Curtains for our 1/4 Berth // Beautify Blue Moon // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 16
In this episode, we finally get around to some of the boat projects we've been putting off all winter!
CHEAP Alternative Living in our Tiny Floating Home // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 15
In this video we discuss the cheap cost of living on a sailboat. We have found this lifestyle to be surprisingly affordable.
How much did our 30 ft Tiny Floating Home cost? (CHEAP) // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 14
In this video we discuss how much it cost to purchase and fix up our 30 ft Catalina 30 sailboat, which is now our full time tiny home.
SNOW DAY on the Sailboat // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 12
In this video, it snows on the boat! We had some very unusual winter weather here and got quite a few inches of snow and some very cold weather.