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Winter came early YouTube Videos

Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Spring Routines of Boat Life
Blue Moon Life
Spring Routines of Boat Life
We're back! This week we bring you along for a couple days in our life as we get back into the swing of things. Spring is here, which means chaotic weather, new blooms, and of course a long list of boat projects! If you enjoyed this video and want to supp...
Brighter Days Ahead | Living on a Boat
Blue Moon Life
Brighter Days Ahead | Living on a Boat
What's your favourite time of the year? Do you notice changes that signal Spring is coming? After a week of extreme weather - from wind to snow to rain - we're happy to feel Spring on the horizon! In this video we bring you along for the first signs of Spr...
Snowstorm While Living on a Sailboat! Unusual Winter Weather in the Pacific Northwest
Blue Moon Life
Snowstorm While Living on a Sailboat! Unusual Winter Weather in the Pacific Northwest
Welcome to another week of unusual winter weather on Blue Moon Life! In this video we trade extreme cold for a coastal winter storm, which covered our boat and the harbour in a thick white coat of slushy snow. We were happy to be back on board after a few ...
WINTER STORM Living on a Sailboat
Blue Moon Life
WINTER STORM Living on a Sailboat
Click for 10% off your first month of therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Join over 4 million people who’ve met with a therapist on BetterHelp and started living a healthier, happier life. Winter has come to the Paci...
Alone in a Snowstorm | Winter Boat Life on a 30ft Sailboat
Blue Moon Life
Alone in a Snowstorm | Winter Boat Life on a 30ft Sailboat
Snowstorm warning!! I was solo this week, and this is the most snow that has ever fallen on our little sailboat home, and this time it stuck!
Daily Routines of Living and Working on a 30 Ft Sailboat | Low Cost Living
Blue Moon Life
Daily Routines of Living and Working on a 30 Ft Sailboat | Low Cost Living
Welcome to a simple winter day in our life living on a 30 ft sailboat on the West Coast. We have lived on the boat for 3 winters now.
Preparing for Winter… Winter Liveaboard Life
Blue Moon Life
Preparing for Winter… Winter Liveaboard Life
After some early season snow and wind storms passed over, we decided it was time to officially pack up the boat for winter.
Winter Came Early… ALONE in a Snow Storm
Blue Moon Life
Winter Came Early… ALONE in a Snow Storm
Winter came early this year with a sudden snow storm and cold snap. This early season snow was a reminder about what winter boat life is really about.