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Westsail 42 fiona YouTube Videos

Showing 16-19 of 19 results
3. Engine Room Tour of the Liveaboard Offshore Cruising Sailboat Fiona (Westsail 42)
3. Engine Room Tour of the Liveaboard Offshore Cruising Sailboat Fiona (Westsail 42)
Drake Roberts gives a tour of Westsail 42 Fiona's engine room.
2. Cabin Tour of the Liveaboard Offshore Cruising Sailboat Fiona (Westsail 42)
2. Cabin Tour of the Liveaboard Offshore Cruising Sailboat Fiona (Westsail 42)
Drake Roberts gives a tour of Westsail 42 Fiona's interior cabin.
1. Deck Tour of the Liveaboard Offshore Cruising Sailboat Fiona (Westsail 42)
1. Deck Tour of the Liveaboard Offshore Cruising Sailboat Fiona (Westsail 42)
Drake Roberts introduces this 11 part series about sailing Eric Forsyth's Westsail 42 from Ireland to Portugal and gives a tour of Fiona's deck.
10. Sailing offshore with Dolphins – Westsail 42 Fiona Sailboat
10. Sailing offshore with Dolphins – Westsail 42 Fiona Sailboat
Westsail 42 Fiona sailing offshore with dolphins riding the bow wave off the coast of Portugal.