Westsail 42 fiona YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 19 results

7. It keeps you young…
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on sailing his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navi...
3. What do you look for in crew and what do you want them to bring?
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on sailing his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navi...
6. When did you first start cruising and how has the cruising lifestyle changed since then?
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on sailing his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navi...
5. What about sailing in heavy weather offshore?
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on sailing his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navi...
4. What kind of food do you eat on Sailing Vessel Fiona?
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on sailing his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navi...
1. Please tell us about Fiona… and what do you think about the Westsail 42?
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on sailing his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navi...
2. Where have you sailed and where are you sailing now?
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on sailing his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navi...
An Interview with Record Sailing Circumnavigator Eric Forsyth, Nov 2011
Eric Forsyth has sailed over 250,000 nautical miles on his 42 foot sailing vessel 'Fiona.' He has circumnavigated the globe twice, once east to west and once west to east... He's sailed to the Arctic and the Antarctic 3 times each, including navigating t...
8. Sailing to Cascais, Portugal – Westsail 42 Fiona
Eric, Eanna and Drake sail Westsail 42 Fiona from Nazarre to Cascais, Portugal, completing this leg of Fiona's North Atlantic voyage... Eanna sees a mysterious flashing orange object floating in the water... a life raft? a submarine? ALIENS?!?!?
7. Exploring Nazaré, Portugal – Westsail 42 Fiona Sailboat
Eric, Eanna and Drake from Westsail 42 Fiona spend 2 days exploring the Portugese fishing port of Nazaré. After cleaning the boat and filling the water tanks, they walk to explore the town. They pass by majestic sandy beach with amazing breaking waves, ...
6. Sailing to Nazaré, Portugal – Westsail 42 Fiona
Eric Forsyth, Eanna Ryan and Drake Roberts sailing Westsail 42 'Fiona' offshore from Viana do Costelo to Nazaré, Portugal. They use radar bearings to avoid colliding with ships in zero visibility fog. Eric teaches Eanna and Drake celestial navigation. Th...
trailer: Fiona Ep 6: Sailing to Nazaré, Portugal
Trailer for episode 6: "Westsail 42 Fiona Sailing to Nazaré, Portugal." To watch the actual episode go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np67v5JWSW0&list=PL135F60761B451C11&index=7
5. Exploring Viana do Castelo, Portugal – Sailboat Fiona (Westsail 42)
Fiona 5 - Exploring Viana do Castelo After 6 days at sea, Eric, Eanna and Drake from Westsail 42 Fiona spend 3 days exploring Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
4. Sailing to Viana do Castelo, Portugal – Westsail 42 Fiona
Westsail 42 Fiona sails from Dingle, Ireland to Viana do Castelo, Portugal.