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West end YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 22 results
Why I LOVE My Sailboat (She Can Do ANYTHING!!!)
Adventureman Dan
Why I LOVE My Sailboat (She Can Do ANYTHING!!!)
I've sailed, slept, cooked, eaten and lived on my beautiful 1894 Beneteau Idylle 38' monohull sailboat Adventureborne for the past five and a half years. And all I can say, is I LOVE this sailboat! Get ready for positivity on top of positivity all about ...
Sailing the Seas My Journey to a Self Sufficient Ocean Lifestyle #boat #fishing #sailboat #adventure
Adventureman Dan
401 Days (Part 1) Sailing & Exploring USA & Bahamas
Adventureman Dan
401 Days (Part 1) Sailing & Exploring USA & Bahamas
The is the beginning of a very big story! The longest time I've consecutively sailed and cruised. The longest time I've lived at anchor, the most fish I've spearfished and eaten. And of course, I did it all with my budget 1984 Beneteau Idylle. Originally b...
Sailing from the Berry Islands to West End [Ep 188]
Wildly Intrepid Sailing
Sailing from the Berry Islands to West End [Ep 188]
Sailing from the Berry Islands to West End on Great Bahama Island turns into a long sail. We leave Great Harbour under a full moon to arrive in the middle of the night. Join us as we share with you the sail changes and what it looks like under longer passa...
Crossing The Gulfstream⛵️ / Seawater Pro Water Maker Install💦
Sailing Zola
Crossing The Gulfstream⛵️ / Seawater Pro Water Maker Install💦
WELCOME BACK ZOLA FAM! Dont forget to like and subscribe! We obviously have a large gap of footage missing that we will be uploading as bonus episodes throughout the season, but as for now we’re catching y'all up to what were doing currently! In this e...
BAHAMAS Bound | West Palm Beach to West End by boat [Ep 164]
Wildly Intrepid Sailing
BAHAMAS Bound | West Palm Beach to West End by boat [Ep 164]
This is it we are doing our testing to sail across the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas. After so many weeks of work and stress we finally have our negative test and our Health visas from the Bahamas. Even though it isn't the perfect weather window we sail into ...
Anchoring at Parson’s Landing on Catalina Island’s West End
Sailing Triteia
Anchoring at Parson’s Landing on Catalina Island’s West End
Episode #199 : Exploring the wild end of Catalina Island Hello Friends, This episode finds Mister Steady and myself bound for the wild and roughed anchorage of Person's Landing on Catalina Island's West End. The forecast was favorable with light souther...
Ep. 3.01 Lost Dinghy, Watermaker Broke (January 2020 Adventure Log)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Ep. 3.01 Lost Dinghy, Watermaker Broke (January 2020 Adventure Log)
This month has been all about hiding from stormy weather. We also had some close calls and emergencies. Highlights include losing our brand new dinghy, discovering our watermaker didn't work, launching Emily's little sailboat, and getting back into the swi...
Good to have a NAVY SEAL around – Bay Islands, Honduras – Ep 32
Sailing Parlay Revival
Good to have a NAVY SEAL around – Bay Islands, Honduras – Ep 32
In this episode we explore the islands of Roatan and Utila, which are 2 out of 3 of the islands which make up the Bay Islands. We pick up my friend, and investor Ben, the Navy SEAL, who takes Shara for a dive in the beautiful clear waters or West end, Roat...
I like a calm ride – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 101
Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures
I like a calm ride – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 101
Visit our private server at You can gain access to our server by becoming a Patron at Want more LGS? Follow our public Instagram @lazygeckosailing PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! To see extra fun footage in our Season 6 ...
Season 5 Preview – Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures
Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures
Season 5 Preview – Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures
Visit our private server at You can gain access to our server by becoming a Patron at Want more LGS? Follow our public Instagram @lazygeckosailing PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! To see extra fun footage in our Season 6 ...
BV5: West End to Mangrove Cay & Our First Bahamas Dunk!
BV5: West End to Mangrove Cay & Our First Bahamas Dunk!
“First you start wit da coconut rum ... “ Those were our first words from our first Bahamian bartender and boy were they true. Every drink in the Bahamas starts “wit da coconut rum!” Fun video for you all here from our cruise across Little Bahama...
How to Clean a Conch: West End, Bahamas | Sailing Wisdom Ep 117
Rigging Doctor
How to Clean a Conch: West End, Bahamas | Sailing Wisdom Ep 117
We decide to explore a bit of West End and attempt to get SIM cards for our phones. This proves to be a fruitless mission, but some good does come out of it! We run into a man named “Down Pack” who teaches us how to clean a conch. Conch is a popular Ba...
Gulf Stream Crossing and Bahamas Check-in! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 116
Rigging Doctor
Gulf Stream Crossing and Bahamas Check-in! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 116
We FINALLY head off to the Bahamas after doing some last minute land chores. We are joined by a new crew member, Jonny, who is great help with watches as well as cooking! The Winds are ideal for our Golf Stream crossing and it goes off without a hitch. We ...
Crossing the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas
Crossing the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas
“Never cross with a north wind!” Can you hear it? Pam Wall’s little energetic voice? She repeated this warning many times when we first saw, heard and met her at the Miami Boat Show back in February, 2015. I had no idea that amazing little enthus...