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Webisode YouTube Videos

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Sailing to the Canaries pt1  Adventures of an old Seadog
Adventures of an old Seadog
Sailing to the Canaries pt1 Adventures of an old Seadog
In this episode I Sail from mainland Europe heading for the open Atlantic and the Canary Islands, meet up with some very big Dolphins and a friend who has just sailed solo across the Atlantic,Start prepping the boat for her 700 mile journey, wash a potato,...
Dinghy Thieves. Adventures of an old Seadog
Adventures of an old Seadog
Dinghy Thieves. Adventures of an old Seadog
In this episode I deal with some people trying to steal my dinghy from a beach in Spain. I have the worst day being ill, get invaded with flies and repair a sail with glue!! At last Im on the authorised of the bay of Biscay in a town called Viverio in nort...