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Weather Apps YouTube Videos

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Sailing From Stornoway, Scotland to The Faroe Islands – Part 2 | DrakeParagon Sailing
Sailing From Stornoway, Scotland to The Faroe Islands – Part 2 | DrakeParagon Sailing
It’s been a rolly sail to the Faroe Islands with both too much wind and not enough. Now we just need to make our way through the fog and 3-4 knots of current before we reach our destination. Here we come Vestmanna! If you enjoyed this video, then give i...
Sailing from Stornoway, Scotland to The Faroe Islands – Part 1 | DrakeParagon Sailing
Sailing from Stornoway, Scotland to The Faroe Islands – Part 1 | DrakeParagon Sailing
The first sail of the season and things don't quite go as expected. For a commercial free version check out ⬇️⬇️⬇️_________________________________ ⬇️⬇️⬇️ If you enjoyed this video, then give it...
2023 Voyage Plan and Our First Weather Window | DrakeParagon Sailing
2023 Voyage Plan and Our First Weather Window | DrakeParagon Sailing
Time to break out the Predict Wind app because the sailing season has officially begun on Paragon! After a winter in the Western Isles of Scotland, we're looking to sail north to the Faroe Islands and then head south. Waaaaaay south! If you enjoyed this ...
Getting Weather Reports Offshore with Predictwind & the Iridium GO! | Paragon’s Favorite Stuff e18
Getting Weather Reports Offshore with Predictwind & the Iridium GO! | Paragon’s Favorite Stuff e18
Why do we think Predictwind and the Iridium GO! are a must? Better and more accurate information, connectivity even when offshore, and increased safety are just a few reasons. We've used them for 7 years now...learn why we wouldn't want to push off without...
Buy from Moorings? Market forecast? And other Q & A.
The O'Kelly's
Buy from Moorings? Market forecast? And other Q & A.
We're waiting for a weather window in Lake Worth, FL and answering some great questions from you all. Keep them coming! NICK'S WEATHER LINKS: