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Wanderer III YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Kicki & Thies on Wanderer III
Kicki & Thies on Wanderer III
TheSailingChannel.TV has restored and transferred to HD the classic circumnavigation sailing film, "Beyond the West Horizon," filmed by Eric & Susan Hiscock aboard their 30 foot wooden sloop, Wanderer III from 1959 to 1962. From his childhood, Thies M...
Lin & Larry Pardey Remember Sailors, Eric & Susan Hiscock
Lin & Larry Pardey Remember Sailors, Eric & Susan Hiscock
TheSailingChannel.TV has restored and transferred to HD the classic circumnavigation sailing film, "Beyond the West Horizon," filmed by Eric & Susan Hiscock aboard their 30 foot wooden sloop, Wanderer III from 1959 to 1962. Lin and Larry Pardey are th...
Beyond the West Horizon – Trailer
Beyond the West Horizon – Trailer
Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV Watch the FULL FILM at YouTube Rent $5.99 / Buy $12.99 (stream only) selected countries Vimeo SailFlix VOD Rent $5.99 / Buy $12.99 (stream + download) worldwide