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Visitscotland YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Gaff Rig – How We Hoist Our Gaff Rig
Living With The Tide
Gaff Rig – How We Hoist Our Gaff Rig
In this video Matt explains how we put up all sails aboard Morna. If you would like any further information then please comment below and we will get back to you :) The book Matt mentions is the below:
Sailing Scotland – A Beautiful Anchorage – Episode 4
Living With The Tide
Sailing Scotland – A Beautiful Anchorage – Episode 4
In this Episode we visit where our adventure first began at Crenan Marina, before heading to one of the most beautiful anchorages we have been too with interesting history! Thanks for watching our crazy videos :D If you would like to keep up to date with...
Boat Tour – Our 1920’s Dickies of Tarbert Gaff Ketch
Living With The Tide
Boat Tour – Our 1920’s Dickies of Tarbert Gaff Ketch
Hey Guys! In this video we give you a tour of our yacht Morna, a Dickies of Tarbert Gaff Ketch built in 1920. If you have any further questions then please comment below and we will answer the best we can :D If you would like to see Morna before we bought...