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Travesia YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 65 results
PACIFIC OCEAN CROSSING part 3 – 31 days at sea | 22 South | Ep.98
22 South
PACIFIC OCEAN CROSSING part 3 – 31 days at sea | 22 South | Ep.98
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31 days of our PACIFIC OCEAN CROSSING, PART 2 | 22 South | Ep.97
22 South
31 days of our PACIFIC OCEAN CROSSING, PART 2 | 22 South | Ep.97
SORRY for the delay of this video... Many things was going on this year. We hope you will enjoy it anyway. Thank you ! To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the video to have the notifications for ...
PACIFIC OCEAN Crossing to French Polynesia- part 1 | 22 South | Ep.98
22 South
PACIFIC OCEAN Crossing to French Polynesia- part 1 | 22 South | Ep.98
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We cross the PANAMA CANAL!!! | 22 South | Ep.95
22 South
We cross the PANAMA CANAL!!! | 22 South | Ep.95
To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the video to have the notifications for the next videos. Thank you very much. See you next week. *********************** Instagram :
CARibbean to Panama | 22 South | Ep.94
22 South
CARibbean to Panama | 22 South | Ep.94
To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the video to have the notifications for the next videos. Thank you very much. See you next week. *********************** Instagram :
Around CAPE OF GOOD HOPE … | 22 South | Ep 92
22 South
Around CAPE OF GOOD HOPE … | 22 South | Ep 92
We are sailing down the coat of South Africa, passe the Cape of Good Hope and finally arrive in Cape town. There , we enjoy a lot of hikings , visits and meeting with wild animals. Enjoy it :) To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe !...
SAiLinG in SoUtH AfRicA | 22 South | Ep.91
22 South
SAiLinG in SoUtH AfRicA | 22 South | Ep.91
Today we are sailing down the coast of South Africa : From Durban to Mussel Bay in a short periode of time. Hopefully you will envoy it as we did ! To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the video ...
BiG SURGERY for MiRNiY | 22 South | Ep.90
22 South
BiG SURGERY for MiRNiY | 22 South | Ep.90
Hello, we are very late to post this video but we are back with all our excuses :) We will let you know very soon why ... Today enjoy the video of the big surgery of Mirniy. See you soon. To stay with us on board, please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE ! You c...
Llegamos a Cerdeña, 170 millas navegando en familia – Familiaporelmundo
Llegamos a Cerdeña, 170 millas navegando en familia – Familiaporelmundo
Nuestro sitio; Ayudanos; Visitanos en facebook; Visitanos en Instagram;
22 South
A boat taking on water (100 to 200 liters per day), a pole broken twice (repaired and rebuilt), a cyclone that follows us, a depression that arrives in front and to finish a tangled genoa, unusable ... C is our crossing of the Mozambique Channel! As they s...
What a WOMAN does when the CAPTAIN is not here ? | 22 South | Ep. 88
22 South
What a WOMAN does when the CAPTAIN is not here ? | 22 South | Ep. 88
To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the video to have the notifications for the next videos. Thank you very much. See you next week. *********************** Instagram :
WHERE to find the WHALE SHARK ? | 22 South | Ep.87
22 South
WHERE to find the WHALE SHARK ? | 22 South | Ep.87
In this episode, we sail from Seychelles to Madagascar. We meet the most impressive animal we could see during this travel around the world : the whale shark. Enjoy ! To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the be...
SAiLiNG to SEYCHELLES | 22 South | Ep.86
22 South
SAiLiNG to SEYCHELLES | 22 South | Ep.86
Today we finish our crossing from Chagos to Seychelles without autopilot. Then, we find the way to replace the autopilot and enjoy this beautiful country. To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the ...
INDIAN OCEAN CROSSING …Without autopilot !! | 22 South | Ep.85
22 South
INDIAN OCEAN CROSSING …Without autopilot !! | 22 South | Ep.85
To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the video to have the notifications for the next videos. Thank you very much. See you next week. *********************** Instagram :
We SWiM with DOlpHinS !  CHAGOS | 22 South | Ep.83
22 South
We SWiM with DOlpHinS ! CHAGOS | 22 South | Ep.83
Last week in Chagos before the crossing in the Indian Ocean. Enjoy :) To stay with us on board, please don't forget to subscribe ! You can also "ring" the bell under the video to have the notifications for the next videos. Thank you very much. See you ne...