Traveling family YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 108 results

Everything you should NOT do. (Episode 30)
Follow along as travel to Dean's Blue Hole. We do EVERYTHING that a family should NOT do as they make their way. Everything from poor weather planning, getting cut, getting lost, breaking phones, falling down, losing watches and cliff jumping.... we mess...
Sailing Ama-gi ⛵️ AU REVOIR, St. Martin 🇫🇷 and HELLO St. Kitts and Nevis 🇰🇳
Our family of beginner #sailors ⛵️ from #newjersey, with different abilities, sall down the Caribbean chain. 🌴🌊 .We sailed from #puertorico 🇵🇷 to #stkitts and #nevis 🇰🇳 so far! Where will we go next? Follow us and find out ❤...
Sailing Ama-gi ⛵️ STUCK IN PARADISE EPISODE 4 HD 1080p
⛵️DISASTER averted and #sail DIVERTED to PARADISE. 🏝️Come join us on our attempt to sail from #saintjohn to 🇻🇮 #stmaarten 🇫🇷This #family does NOT give up.💕 #abilities #caribbean #downsyndrome #family #sailing #sailingfamily #ms #...
What’s for breakfast on board? Boat Life
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An EPIC BIRTHDAY for this Traveling Teen! //Road Trip Africa (Ep 199)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: I use Epidemic Sound for almost all the music on my channel, and these guys are killing it!! Massive library, and NEVER had any copyright issues!...
My Life Be Like… ooh ahh 😎 (So many girls, so little time…) Ep 192
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Don’t worry, our show is always family friendly and crammed full of exciting adventures as well as the harsh realities of life on a boat! This ...
Family Sailing Vlog – Who is our Mystery Visitor? | Sailing Britican Update
In this episode of our family sailing vlog we have a family visitor. Find out what it's like to be a guest or have a guest while living the sailing lifestyle. Get our FREE Boat Safety Audit download to see just how safe your boat is: https://sailingbrit...
ANCHORS AWEIGH! Our 9-Day Passage Begins! (Ep 188)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: We finally set sail for a new country! 1200nm, 9 days nonstop from the Maldives to the Seychelles. Stay tuned to the end to see our ridiculously ...
It’s Official: WE’RE GOING TO AFRICA! 🌍 (Ep 187)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: In this episode, we enjoy our last week here in the Maldives as we prepare for an upcoming 1000nm ocean crossing. Find the ACR OLAS Tag system ...
How much plastic do we find floating in The Last Paradise? Episode 264
We scuba dive, clean up the ocean and show you more of these beautiful islands. Cheers everyone for watching!! To see more of our videos and subscribe To SUPPORT us and our productions become a...
TEEN Creates his FIRST NFT!!!
Hey Everyone Taj just launched his first NFT that he has been working on for the past couple of months, so make sure you go check it out Here’s the link to Taj’s NFT Also make sure you go follow him on ...
From the Sea to the Mountains: We finally made it Home! (Ep 178)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: After being stuck overseas for two years, we're finally able to fly home to the US! We got to give Anna a brief hug and made it back up to our li...
BOAT TOUR Leopard 46 | Sailing family with 4 kids on a Catamaran | Sailing with Six | S2 E2
Ever wondered where we put all the kids? In this video we give you a full tour of our 'new-to-us' Leopard 46. We show you all the bells and whistles and explain how we have organised all our gear. If you've never stepped foot in a catamaran this will giv...
GOODBYE AUSTRALIA! We’re OFF on a New Adventure! (Ep 171)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: After nine months in Australia, it’s time to say goodbye! We tie up all our loose ends and set sail for a 3,000 mile passage across the Indian ...