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Travel cheap YouTube Videos

Showing 241-253 of 253 results
What We Think of This Catamaran  — Sailing Uma [Step 89]
Sailing Uma
What We Think of This Catamaran — Sailing Uma [Step 89]
I feel like the only way you would believe what I am talking about in the description, is by watching the video. In this episode we: 1. Witnessed our boat being high-jacked 2. Sailed on a 1/2 million dollar catamaran 3. Got rejected while entering St Lucia...
Day Sailing Martinique — Sailing Uma [Step 88]
Sailing Uma
Day Sailing Martinique — Sailing Uma [Step 88]
Disclaimer/Present day update: Our video timeline being a few weeks behind, note that we are not in Martinique. We are currently in Grenada, safe from Hurricane Irma's fury. In this episode we learn how to cut and cook Lion Fish, go out for a sail with ...
The Fish That Killed Itself— Sailing Uma [Step 87]
Sailing Uma
The Fish That Killed Itself— Sailing Uma [Step 87]
In this episode, we witness a fish hitting itself so hard on Uma's hull that it knocked itself out instantly. We enjoyed it for diner before heading on a Pirates of the Caribbean adventure in the Indian River of Dominica. If you enjoyed this episode, pl...
Finally Sailing South — Sailing Uma [Step 86]
Sailing Uma
Finally Sailing South — Sailing Uma [Step 86]
This week, we leave Guadeloupe and sail south to Les Saintes. We spend a few days exploring the tiny islands and getting some much needed repairs done on Uma. Then, it's off to Dominica. We get frustrated at our autopilot but still manage to enjoy yet anot...
Trace des Alizés. Hiking through the rainforest and exploring a volcano  — Sailing Uma [Step 85]
Sailing Uma
Trace des Alizés. Hiking through the rainforest and exploring a volcano — Sailing Uma [Step 85]
This week we take a brief sabbatical from sailing and adventure into the rainforest of Guadeloupe. We spent 2 days hiking a 35km portion of the GRG1 trail (La trace des Alizés) up the side of La Soufrière (the Volcano) and back down to sea level. The hik...
One Year Cooking With the Sun [Uma Gear Review]
Sailing Uma
One Year Cooking With the Sun [Uma Gear Review]
SAVE 20% by using the promo code " sailinguma20 " at checkout. Visit GoSun's website to buy your new stove: Needing no fuel, no charcoal, no electricity, it is a FREE and efficient way to cook. After a year of cooking dozens o...
The Reality of Living Minimally on a Sailboat in the Caribbean — Sailing Uma [Step 84]
Sailing Uma
The Reality of Living Minimally on a Sailboat in the Caribbean — Sailing Uma [Step 84]
Some might think that living on a sailboat in the caribbean is always fancy and glamorous. The reality is that although great, living minimally on a sailboat is far from luxurious. Although adventurous, this life is hard work. But we love every aspect of ...
Stranded on a beach in Saba— Sailing Uma [Step 83]
Sailing Uma
Stranded on a beach in Saba— Sailing Uma [Step 83]
On our last day in Saba, we hiked around the rain forest and got REALLY lucky finding a ride back to our boat, as we were pretty much stranded on the Saban beach. If you enjoyed this episode, please give it thumbs up, it helps us out a bunch :) WANT MO...
SECRET DIVE SITE in the BVIs — Sailing Uma [Step 81]
Sailing Uma
SECRET DIVE SITE in the BVIs — Sailing Uma [Step 81]
This week as we continue sailing the BVI's, we check out a super secret, very new and amazing dive spot off the North West coast of Virgin Gorda BVI. We also get our main sail repaired before sailing to Saba with a South African stowaway. If you enjoyed ...
Naked Night Dive + Exploring the Baths — Sailing Uma [Step 80]
Sailing Uma
Naked Night Dive + Exploring the Baths — Sailing Uma [Step 80]
After seeing a group of night scuba divers show up, we decided to go along for the ride and free dive around them... We had no idea they would have actually spotted the fact that we were very much naked. After a good time at Great Dog island, we sailed ove...
PIZZA PI  — The best pizza of the caribbean — Sailing Uma [Step 78]
Sailing Uma
PIZZA PI — The best pizza of the caribbean — Sailing Uma [Step 78]
While sailing in the US Virgin Islands, we had the pleasure to chit chat with the crew of Pizza Pi, and taste what became the best pizza we've ever tried. For more about Pizza Pi, check out their website: If you enjoyed this ep...
1] Our first sail on our 1974 Dufour 34 and a trip to Hull | Sailing Mutiny
Sailing Mutiny
1] Our first sail on our 1974 Dufour 34 and a trip to Hull | Sailing Mutiny
We have finally started our adventure! This epic trip has been 5+ years in the making but we have finally bought, moved onto and begun sailing our new home (Baremka) for the next few years!! Baremka is a 1974 Dufour 34 sailboat. We intend to head over to H...
Cruising Life in Culebrita — Sailing Uma [Step 77]
Sailing Uma
Cruising Life in Culebrita — Sailing Uma [Step 77]
Culebrita is a small Puerto Rican island 20 miles East of PR. We spent a few days venturing around and even took a nice salted bath before sailing to St Thomas. If you enjoyed this episode, please give it thumbs up and subscribe, it helps us out a bunch :...