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Tobagocays YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Wounded captain | Ep28 | Sailing Merewether
Sailing Merewether
Wounded captain | Ep28 | Sailing Merewether
This week we move our home from the hustle of St Vincent to the Paradise of Tobago Cays. Kieran gets injured and you see all the aftermath of trying to get him patched up again. OUCH! Sensitive viewers be warned. SUPPORT US:
Deserted island in the Caribbean | Ep27 | Sailing Merewether
Sailing Merewether
Deserted island in the Caribbean | Ep27 | Sailing Merewether
This week we scoot over to our fourth island in a week Union Island only to find most of the island and town something out of a post apocalyptic movie. We meet some new friends that give us the info on a killa anchorage which is a haven for the kite surfer...
Caribbean at it’s best   | Ep25 | Sailing Merewether
Sailing Merewether
Caribbean at it’s best | Ep25 | Sailing Merewether
This week we discover our new favourite place in the Caribbean. "Tobago Cays" sums up our idea of what a Caribbean Paradise should look like. With access only by sail boat we put an anchor down in the blue water of this natural post card. SUPPORT US: http...
KITEBOARDING the Grenadines in the Caribbean – Adventure 06 (Sailing Around the World)
Sailing Nahoa
KITEBOARDING the Grenadines in the Caribbean – Adventure 06 (Sailing Around the World)
We Kiteboard Salt Whistle Bay as well as the Tobago Keys. Hands down some of the best locations to kiteboard in the eastern Caribbean!