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Testsails YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Ep 45   We get Escorted by the Guardia into Melilla Marina!
Sailing Pickle Family
Ep 45 We get Escorted by the Guardia into Melilla Marina!
We have a fabulous day sailing the local Melilla coast line, enjoying the peace and quiet and sunshine of beautiful Morocco. Then one evening we have another visit from the Guardia...this is becoming a habit ;-) they escort us into the Marina and we have t...
Ep 44 Sailing and Skinny dipping Adventures Along the African Coast
Sailing Pickle Family
Ep 44 Sailing and Skinny dipping Adventures Along the African Coast
After strong winds and a swelly day at anchor we have a stolen tender and quite an exciting few days! We catch a baby barracuda, make yummy boat bread, have a wonderful sail to a stunning little cove, where we can chill out in the beautiful Moroccan sunshi...
Episode 40 Windlass Stripdown then Rebuild and Test Sails!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 40 Windlass Stripdown then Rebuild and Test Sails!
Sorry for the long one folks! This episode sees us stripping down the Windlass and going through the arduous process of a rebuild, it isn't completely foobarred but its quite a mission to find the right parts and get it rebuilt and back on deck! So glad we...