Sv Zatara YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 67 results

Should You Even Set Sail Right Now?? Traveling During COVID19
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Just some quick thoughts from Keith about travel risks vs the reward of adventure! All episodes of our show are created exclusively by Renee, Ke...![Redneck Riviera: Ma & Pa Take a Dip in the Pond [Sailing Zatara Ep 136]](
Redneck Riviera: Ma & Pa Take a Dip in the Pond [Sailing Zatara Ep 136]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Find Keith’s voltmeter and other necessary tools here: Like my Rokaroo headband? Find it here: https://rokaroo....
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Find Maxwell Marine here: While on pandemic lockdown in New Zealand, AND in the midst of an incoming storm with 40kt w...
Off Grid Living: Domestic Life // Keith’s Weight Loss Secret Revealed! (Ep 110)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: In addition to a peek into the domestic side of our live aboard lifestyle, this episode also features some sweet tunes by Finn, an appearance by ...
LOCKDOWN ON A BOAT in South Africa
Please excuse this interruption to our regular broadcast! Join us for a realtime update of our lockdown on a boat situation in South Africa on board Jupiter2... we explore the pending decisions regarding our cruising plans. Can we sail to Brazil? if not Ca...
INTOXICATING SAILING PHUKET EP2 + Tech tips “Battery switch failure”
Join Jupiter2, a performance cruising catamaran, com sailing and explore Phuket, Phang nga, Koh Phi Phi and Koh Phayam. Be intoxicated by the beauty of the limestone karst island and savor the nightlife and cuisine of exciting Thailand. Don't miss out on t...
ALL HANDS ON DECK! Let’s Get Ready to SET SAIL! (Ep 106)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Find Gulf Harbour Marina here: Find Lumitec here: Find FlexiTeek here: https://www....
Jupiter² was built in the Philippines by an Australian designer for Jamie. During his time away from work, Jamie lived on board and cruised South East Asia. But his life dream is to sail around the world. His plans came together at the end of 2018 when h...
Farewell Friends! The End of a Season, The Beginning of a Makeover (Ep 104) Season 3 Finale
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: As we close out the 2019 season, we get the boat set up for lots of exciting new upgrades! Please join us in March of 2020 for our first episode ...![An Idiot’s Guide: How to [NOT] Sail Across Oceans (Ep 102)](
An Idiot’s Guide: How to [NOT] Sail Across Oceans (Ep 102)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Hey! We may be coming to your city in 2020, and we want to meet YOU! Check out our website for details: In this episod...
I Hate Sailing – 1,000nm Passage to New Zealand (Ep 101)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: I like to think we are pretty experienced at passage-making, but this one just SUCKS! Will we have to turn around and head back to Fiji? Our sho...
The Beginning of the End (Ep 100)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Our show is always TV-PG and filmed, edited, and produced exclusively by the six of us on our boat, the Privilege 585 Catamaran. So grab the kids...
CAPTAIN FOR A DAY! // DIY Boat Repairs & Refab (Ep 99)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Jack takes the wheel while fueling up in Denarau and heading back over to Musket Cove. And Keith (aka MacGyver) rebuilds a broken exhaust fan wit...
Hot Hot Hot Times in Fiji! Air Conditioning on a Boat is a MUST! (Ep 98)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: We're in FIJI! But it's dang HOT... So Keith rewires our AC so we don’t completely melt, and the boys spend some time cooling off on the wakebo...