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Sv yaringa YouTube Videos

Showing 1-10 of 10 results
Sailing to Mexico [Adventure #217]
Adventure Adrift
Sailing to Mexico [Adventure #217]
After a two-night sail, we watch the sun come up over the Pacific Mexican coast. Arriving in Ensenada, we complete the check-in process with adjusted Covid-19 procedures. More about SunPure Watermakers here: Our Videos abo...
Watch out for the Battleship! [Adventure #216]
Adventure Adrift
Watch out for the Battleship! [Adventure #216]
Come dive into the lush, kelp forests at Catalina Island off the California coast, then set sail south with us! Along the way we have some nice sailing conditions and get a chance to experience real life battleship maneuvers, dodging warships and have a c...
Sailing into the Sunset [Adventure #215]
Adventure Adrift
Sailing into the Sunset [Adventure #215]
Get off the grid and lose track of the days and time as you slip into the simple living of the cruising lifestyle! We sail California’s Channel Islands, departing San Miguel, sailing to the backside of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz, and then set our sights ...
REMOTE California Beaches [Adventure #214]
Adventure Adrift
REMOTE California Beaches [Adventure #214]
25 miles off the Southern California coast, we arrive at the rugged, windswept terrain of California’s San Miguel Island. Here, we find baby seals and sea lions, archeological remains of the Chumash people, and beautiful landscapes. Join us as we hike ...
Into the SEA Life! [Adventure #213]
Adventure Adrift
Into the SEA Life! [Adventure #213]
Join us as we stock up on provisions and take off from Santa Barbara to head out the paradise of the Channel Islands in California! We spend time free diving, spearfishing and exploring the sea life underwater. As we make our way around the island we dis...
Canvas Repairs & Fog [Adventure #212]
Adventure Adrift
Canvas Repairs & Fog [Adventure #212]
We experience some extremely foggy conditions in Southern California’s Channel Islands, then sail to Santa Barbara. Here, see how Hillary takes on the project of sewing a new dodger to repair our torn and UV-damaged canvas. ________________ We hope you...
Our First Sail & Problem Solving  [Adventure #211]
Adventure Adrift
Our First Sail & Problem Solving [Adventure #211]
Join us on our shakedown sail on our new boat! For our very first passage we sail up the California Coast from San Diego to the Channel Islands. Along the way a few things break and we jerry rig fixes to keep sailing. ________________ We hope you enjoy ...
2020 – Our Year In Review [Adventure Adrift]
Adventure Adrift
2020 – Our Year In Review [Adventure Adrift]
2020 was a tale of 3 boats, 2 sailors, a van, back surgery surgery, a pandemic and EVENTUALLY getting back to sailing! Join us for the crazy ride that was 2020, as we summarize our year and try to fill in any gaps in the story. Get up to speed so you can...
Keeping our Boat SAFE and Mast Up [Adventure #210]
Adventure Adrift
Keeping our Boat SAFE and Mast Up [Adventure #210]
35-year old rigging and a rusty mast step are not a good foundation for offshore sailing! Join us as we pull the mast for a total standing rigging replacement and do some investigation into our mast step area on our 1985 Passport 40, Yaringa. ___________...
Is this the PERFECT Boat for US?  Meet Yaringa! [Adventure #209]
Adventure Adrift
Is this the PERFECT Boat for US? Meet Yaringa! [Adventure #209]
Is there such a thing as the perfect boat? Why is this boat such a good fit for us? Come meet Yaringa, our new home on the water! She’s a 1985 Passport 40 and while there may not be such a thing as a perfect boat, come take a tour and learn why we fel...