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Sv wahine YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Cruising  Coastal Waters  summer sailing fun
Pacific Solo
Cruising Coastal Waters summer sailing fun
On day three of my blue-water adventure, we left Oshima Island and set sail for Hota, which is on the Eastern side of Tokyo Bay and Western coast of the Chiba Peninsula. After about a 7-hour cruise, we stopped and practiced anchoring and swam in the deep t...
Sailing to Oshima, Japan: Home of Godzilla! travel vlog
Pacific Solo
Sailing to Oshima, Japan: Home of Godzilla! travel vlog
Day two of my 8-day cruise, we left Misaki and were gone with the wind, reaching a milestone in my sailing journey: Oshima Island! The cruise was amazing, and we sailed most of the way with a wing on wing configuration. Located off the coast of Japan, Os...
It`s Never too Late . . . Prepping for a  Sailing Journey
Pacific Solo
It`s Never too Late . . . Prepping for a Sailing Journey
Well, I find myself feeling a bit nervous at the moment ... However, I've always found that "leveling up" in life requires breaking free of my comfort zone and confronting any trepidation head on. Preparation and readiness are vastly important -- and shoul...
Annivesary Boat Tour of my  sailboat
Pacific Solo
Annivesary Boat Tour of my sailboat
It's the one-year anniversary of me taking possession of SV Wahine and formally starting off on this journey called Pacific Solo. What a ride it's been so far! And I realized that I haven't given you all a boat tour yet. So, without further ado, I give y...