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Stroke YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Faster OUTBOARD for $35!!! Easy Hack [Capable Cruising Guides]
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Faster OUTBOARD for $35!!! Easy Hack [Capable Cruising Guides]
We live aboard our antique sailboat, Temptress, where we (Emily and Clark) fix almost everything ourselves. Our past 2-stroke and 4-stoke repair videos were a hit, so here’s another outboard tip for you today. This is an easy trick that we’ve shared wi...
Fixing a 2-STROKE OUTBOARD Motor [Capable Cruising Guides]
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Fixing a 2-STROKE OUTBOARD Motor [Capable Cruising Guides]
This week, we helped our neighbor Adventureman Dan aboard S/V Tethys to diagnose and fix his two-stroke Mercury outboard. In this video, Clark and Dan talk about how to identify the problem and get the motor running again so Dan can stop rowing and get bac...
Flying a Twin Prop into Telluride Colorado – Sailing Doodles
Sailing Doodles
Flying a Twin Prop into Telluride Colorado – Sailing Doodles
We flew from Addison Texas (Dallas) to Telluride Colorado in a Turbo Twin Comanche at 16,000 feet. Telluride is one of the most beautiful places int the United States and I love it there! Lots of scenic views, waterfalls and a fun place to visit. Want to...