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Sound recording YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
How to get good sound   |  Camera 101
Sailing Fair Isle
How to get good sound | Camera 101
Something different for the holidays! I produced a couple of Camera 101 films a while ago as some of our patrons wanted some information on filming. I haven't had much time during the summer to do these, but I'll try and get a few done through the winter....
How Do You Capture the Wind? (Snippet 5)
Wild We Roam
How Do You Capture the Wind? (Snippet 5)
Well, this one turned out to be another beast of an edit, but I feel like I'm starting to say that every week now! As it turns out, when you go out and try and film something it disappears, and in this case, it took 3 full days of filming for the wind to f...