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Skateboarding YouTube Videos

Showing 1-11 of 11 results
Adventure #13 of 57 – Pumping it up at Pacific Highlands Ranch Pump Track in San Diego
The Adventure Travelers
Adventure #13 of 57 – Pumping it up at Pacific Highlands Ranch Pump Track in San Diego
Adventure #13 of 57 - Pumping it up at Pacific Highlands Ranch Pump Track in San Diego @spohnranch @theadventuretravelers #pacifichighlandsranch #57Adventures #TheAdventureTravelers #Skateboarding #XGames #surfskatelove #surfskate #surfskates #surfskat...
Adventure #12 of 57 – Riding a skateboard at the cool little La Colonia Skatepark in Solana Beach
The Adventure Travelers
Adventure #12 of 57 – Riding a skateboard at the cool little La Colonia Skatepark in Solana Beach
Adventure #12 of 57 - Riding a skateboard at the cool little La Colonia Skatepark in Solana Beach built by @caskateparks @theadventuretravelers #57adventures #TheAdventureTravelers #Skateboarding #XGames #surfskatelove #surfskate #surfskates #surfsk...
Oahu Onshore Adventures with Big Island Mike : Skateboarding at Wallows!
Sailing Triteia
Oahu Onshore Adventures with Big Island Mike : Skateboarding at Wallows!
Season 8 : Hawaiian Adventures : Episode #209 Hello Friends, On this weeks episode I meet up with Oahu Legend Big Island Mike ( who is kind enough to show me around Oahu. Big Island Mike rode as a sponsored BMX rider for ...
5 Week Family Challenge & You can Take Part and Win $$$
The Sailing Family
5 Week Family Challenge & You can Take Part and Win $$$ - Hello and welcome to our first Challenger Vlog of the Sailing Family. If you are here for the first time I will give you a short introduction. We are a family of 4 - my sister Alina - she is 20, my mum Suu, my Dad Klau...
What happened to The Sailing Family in the last 2 years (part #2) (The Sailing Family) Ep.82
The Sailing Family
What happened to The Sailing Family in the last 2 years (part #2) (The Sailing Family) Ep.82 - In this video we will give you an overview what has happened since our last one year sailing adventure - this is part#2. 2 years have passed already and a lot of things happened. We also give you an idea what we have plane...
“Do I smell conch fritters?!” | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 76
Sailing Soulianis
“Do I smell conch fritters?!” | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 76
We’ve arrived at idyllic Elbow Cay, a Bahamian island with a little bit of everything: an adorable little town, a handful of surf breaks, showers, a coffee house, one nicely paved road, rum cocktails, and even a game of bingo. Of all these things, surf ...
When We’re NOT Sailing: Varial Kick Flip Skateboarding (Teen Yacht Tuesday)
Sailing Zatara
When We’re NOT Sailing: Varial Kick Flip Skateboarding (Teen Yacht Tuesday)
Trying to stay occupied when not on the water gets a little tricky, so we decided to learn some new skating tricks this week. Need music for your videos? I use Epidemic Sound for our entire channel and have NEVER had a copyright issue! Check them out her...
The Love Boat! (Sailing Zatara Ep 53)
Sailing Zatara
The Love Boat! (Sailing Zatara Ep 53)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: While exploring and enjoying the beautiful Turkish coast, we install a new stainless steel anchor, come upon a rare species of seal, and dive int...
Life Before the Boat – Bums on a Boat Ep 15
Bums on a Boat
Life Before the Boat – Bums on a Boat Ep 15
The only thing constant in the universe is change and we can roll with it or fight it. I'll have to leave the boat in Key West while traveling to see friends and family and finding ways to earn money for needed repairs. Take a peak into the life of the Bum...
Fat man on a skateboard
Adventures of an old Seadog
Fat man on a skateboard
Blubber trying to look cool!
Charlottesville Skate Park and Bike Polo
Gone with the Wynns
Charlottesville Skate Park and Bike Polo
Bike Polo is the best! Check out this video. There is a skate park here too, great times.