Single handed YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 181 results

Haulout finished and boat projects continue on land #sailinglife #boatprojects
Ahhhh . not only good to be back in the water, but also to continue with boat projects shirtless and barefoot! I`m Prepping for the ultimate 2025 challenge! 🚤🌸 After 5 incredible years cruising Japan on my Gibsea 402, I’m gearing up for Chasing ...
Single-Handed Sailing Up The BAJA Coast | Staging To Cross The Sea – Ep. 86
The solo adventure continues! In this one, Trevor starts off with a spicy little sail out of Puerto Escondido, then heads off to some of our favorite spots around the Loreto area. Variable winds make for some challenging sailing on the way to Loreto and Is...
Ep 40: Amel Mango Sailing
Here is the second part of the presentation of our SY Comeback. It's all about sailing: setting the sails, reefing them and sailing on different courses. We also show the Amel pole system. Enjoy the video! Facebook: M Jambo Sailing Instag...
Ep 40: Amel Mango, Segel setzen – reffen – ausbaumen
Hier nun der 2. Teil der Vorstellung unserer Comeback. Es dreht sich alles ums Segeln: Setzen, Reffen, Ausbaumen, auf verschiedenen Kursen. Viel Spaß! Mein 1. Buch ist bei Amazon erhältlich: Bis zum Horizont und darüber hinaus Zwischen Atlantik, Karib...
Ep 39: Amel Mango, Ship – Equipment – Room Tour
We are showing our Amel Mango in all details. Enjoy the video! Facebook: M Jambo Sailing Instagram: martin_jambo Tip Box: PayPal: @mjambosailing Book: To the Horizon and Beyond German titel: "Bis zum Horizont und darüber hinaus" Englis...
First SOLO Sail 😱 GIRL ALONE on a Sailboat Stuck with a ROCK | E.115
This is my first single handed solo sail in my 46ft sailboat. What could go wrong when a girl sails her sailboat alone for the first time? Stick around to find out! #boating #sailing #boatlife We're sailing around the world, and with your support, we wil...
Ep 39: Amel Mango, Schiff – Technik – Room-Tour
Experience a comprehensive walkthrough of the Amel Mango, a beautiful 52 ft ocean cruiser, showcasing its layout, features and more!
Ep 38: Single-handed from Samos to the Ionian Sea
Embark on an unforgettable journey as our expert sailor takes on the Greek islands single-handedly, sharing their experiences, techniques, and overcoming the hurdles they encounter along the way. This detailed account covers every aspect of their solo adve...
Ep 38: Einhand von Samos ins Ionische Meer
Einhandsegler M.Jambo bereitet sich auf die spannende Reise von Samos in das Ionische Meer vor. Erfahre, wie er seine Kabeck segelt, Ankerplätze auswählt und Griechenlands Küsten erkundet.
Ep 37: First Sailing on Comeback
In this captivating episode, watch as Martin and Ollie set sail on Comeback for an unforgettable overnight trip to the picturesque Greek island of Leros. Experience the challenges they face and witness their triumphant docking amid strong winds.
Ep 37: Die erste Fahrt der Comeback
Moin zusammen, heute geben wir euch einen Einblick in unsere Premiere-Fahrt mit dem Comeback-Boot. Schauen sie, was wir alles erlebt haben und wie es den ganzen Tag über unseren Plan geändert hat!
Special: Sailing Caribbean on a large ketch
Embark on a stunning adventure with M Jambo as they sail through the Caribbean on the beautiful ketch Rhea. This epic episode showcases not only incredible sailing but also gives viewers a look inside this massive yacht. From navigating new ports to explor...
Special: In der Karibik auf dem Großsegler Rhea
Lassen Sie uns auf dem großvoll Segeler Rhea eine unvergessliche Reise durch die karibische Inselwelt unternehmen. Entdecken Sie pittoreske Landschaften, lernen Sie spannende Städte kennen und erkunden Sie idyllische Strände.
Ep 36: Farewell and A New Beginning
After saying goodbye to his beloved sailing yacht Jumbo that tragically sunk last year after a daring 40,000 nautical-mile voyage, a sailor takes on a new adventure with 'Comeback', his new boat. This episode tells the heartwarming tale of their upcoming j...