Service YouTube Videos
Showing 16-28 of 28 results

How To Service A Lewmar Winch | Sailing Britican
Get our Lewmar Winch Service Checklist on our website after you watch the video: It wasn't until we used our winch one day, and it made a horrible sound, that we discovered that it needed to be s...
Ep 166 | No Gas, No Coffee! South Minerva Reef to New Caledonia Passage, Sailing Nutshell
We leave South Minerva Reef and sail towards Norfolk Island where we plan to spend a few days on our way to the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. It’s a very slow trip and the wind definitely isn’t in our favour. After a few days of bobbing along a...
RV Slide Out Bearing Replacement
This is a slide out bearing replacement on a 2018 Forest River Sunseeker 3010DS RV. Your RV Slide Out may have the same bearing, so this may help you as well. This video will show a damaged RV slide out bearing and how to replace it with a new bearing. ...
When Boat Work Goes a Tad Pear Shaped ~ Vlog #5
With the goal of getting the boat into the water and sailing as soon as possible in mind, we work with haste which results in blunders. One step forward, two steps back; the crane gets cancelled and Avalon remains on the hard stand. We're still smiling th...
How to quickly & easily service an outboard motor carburetor
How do you service your outboard? Why would you want to? Well, they all need attention on a regular basis. The motor cuts out, it won't accelerate performance drops, you pick up dirty fuel, a myriad of reasons. In this weeks Technical Tuesday, i tell you...
I Put These Pants on for Nothing – The Other Side of Sailing Life (Panama City)
A little taste of the other side of sailing. Join our crew on Patreon and become a BIGGER part of the adventure: Get all the Details of our trip here: Subscribe and Keep in touch: https://gonewitht...
Sailboat Projects II: This is it…or so we Hope!
We've been in service A LOT these past few months and this is FINALLY it...well, at least that's what we think. Get all the Details, products and links on our site here: Enjoy our videos? Wa...
Sailboat Projects – Gettin’ Up, Down, Dirty & Stinky
This video isn’t sexy, exotic or thrilling…but it’s real. Part of sailboat ownership is projects and chores and we think it’s important to share a little bit of the sour to go along with the sweet Seriously, if you want to know the details on any...
In the Moment – Sailing, Service & Fear
I know sometimes our videos seem like everything is all fun and peachy, and generally we're happy people, but our life can be crazy! I think the video explains it better than we can in writing. Join the Crew and get more access on Patreon:
Like some kind of nautical episode of 'Back to the Future', we are in a weird time warp here at Followtheboat. Our regular sailing logs--which out of necessity run a few months behind real time--show Jamie sailing alone in Thailand with Liz back in the UK ...
Life is Like Sailing – Taking Apart a Barient 28 Winch
In this video I show how I took apart and then put back together my two speed self tailing Barient 28 winch. I'm definitely no expert, but I found that it is not so difficult to services the Barient winches. The other winches I learned how to service ...
Life is Like Sailing – Haul Out – Part 9
In this episode I take a walk around the yard and get a lesson from James on how to service my Barient 28 winch! Bonjour James!!