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EP 26 – Sailing slowly to Cherbourg and more boatwork   HD 1080p
Sailing Frida af Wisby
EP 26 – Sailing slowly to Cherbourg and more boatwork HD 1080p
In this episode we sail slowly to Cherbourg in France. At one point I almost thought we where sailing backwards so then we gave up and supported with the motor. We show just how pitch black it can be during a night sail and how we use the radar to spot oth...
EP 14 – Shifting winds as we reverse our route
Sailing Frida af Wisby
EP 14 – Shifting winds as we reverse our route
In this episode we sail the same route as we did in April but in the opposite direction from Ystad to Stickenhörn Marina close to Kiel. The winds are shifting and the captain fell out of his bunk when Gitte decided to host the sails when we caught the mor...