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Satellite Yacht Design YouTube Videos

Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Building an ALUMINUM Sailboat Pt 9 – Arctic Cruising: Will our New Boat Pass the Test?
Distant Shores TV
Building an ALUMINUM Sailboat Pt 9 – Arctic Cruising: Will our New Boat Pass the Test?
#aluminumsailboat #boatbuilding #arcticsailing #metstrade Paul makes a trip to the Netherlands to see the progress on the build of Distant Shores IV, our new custom aluminum Enksail Orion 49 cruising sailboat. While he is there, Paul attends METStrade, the...
Building an ALUMINUM Sailboat Pt 8 – HYBRID Power on a Sailboat: Will it Work for Long Distance?
Distant Shores TV
Building an ALUMINUM Sailboat Pt 8 – HYBRID Power on a Sailboat: Will it Work for Long Distance?
#sailing #hybridpower #powermanagement This time on Distant Shores we're planning out the energy requirements of our new Enksail Orion 49 custom aluminum sailboat. Will a hybrid power system allow us to achieve the passages we're planning from Europe to th...
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 5 – How to Weld an Aluminum Sailboat
Distant Shores TV
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 5 – How to Weld an Aluminum Sailboat
This time on Distant Shores we reach a literal turning point in the build of our new Enksail Orion 49 aluminum sailboat - the hull is turned over to upright position so interior welding can begin! We make the first trip down below where we learn how a prop...
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 4 – How the Hull Plates are Shaped
Distant Shores TV
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 4 – How the Hull Plates are Shaped
We're Sheryl and Paul Shard, presenters of the Distant Shores sailing adventure TV series and Distant Shores YouTube channel. We've been cruising internationally since 1989 documenting the sailing lifestyle to inspire and inform anyone dreaming of sailing ...
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 3 – Raising the Hull to Weld Frames & Bulkheads
Distant Shores TV
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 3 – Raising the Hull to Weld Frames & Bulkheads
This is our third video in the series on building our new Enksail Orion 49 aluminum expedition sailboat! We look into how plates are positioned and welded into the perfect shape according to the drawings and plans. #aluminumboat #sailboat #aluminium #b...
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 2 – Construction Begins!
Distant Shores TV
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 2 – Construction Begins!
Welding begins on our new 49-foot aluminum sailboat - starting with the very first welds, which Paul is given the honour of doing!! We explain how MIG welding works and show the process of assembling and welding frames and bulkheads for our Orion 49 sailbo...
Goodbye Distant Shores III – Big Tides Sailing Pacific Northwest
Distant Shores TV
Goodbye Distant Shores III – Big Tides Sailing Pacific Northwest
Our Southerly 480 sailboat, Distant Shores III, arrives by yacht transport ship in the Pacific Northwest to be received by her new owners. Paul flies to Seattle WA to do the official handover and say goodbye to Distant Shores III. It is Paul's first time s...
Test Sail Stadship 56 | Noordkaper 46GT | Orion 49
Distant Shores TV
Test Sail Stadship 56 | Noordkaper 46GT | Orion 49
This time on Distant Shores we test sail a Stadship 56 aluminum sailboat on a very breezy day, investigate the meticulous craftsmanship on a steel Noordkaper 46 and tour an aluminum Orion 49 before finally coming to a decision about our new custom aluminum...