Sampson boat co YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 48 results

Financing Your Grand Adventure: The Unfortunate Truth… Restoring Thunder Child: Episode 01
Here we go, getting started restoring Thunder Child! Support: Patreon: PayPal: Buy Us A Beer!!: Http:// - Barry Htt...
The CHAOS Of Bringing A Boat To A Boat Show, Foggy Adventure In Port Townsend! Sailor Barry & Hailly
We make it to Port Townsend, but not without earning every mile, join us as we work our way south through the stunning San Juan islands and across the Juan de fuca strait. Support: Patreon: PayPal:
The Best Wooden Boats All In One Place! We’re All Headed There Together! Tally Ho Steals The Show.
We make it to Port Townsend, but not without earning every mile, join us as we work our way south through the stunning San Juan islands and across the Juan de fuca strait. Support: Patreon: PayPal:
Cutting Into A Colin Archer And Helping Aladino With Sailing Magic Carpet II. Sailor Barry & Hailly
Sailor Barry takes on the challenging task of working on a Colin Archer boat. Watch as he meticulously cuts out and replaces rotting wood planks while helping fellow sailors Maya and Aladino install their bow sprit on Magic Carpet II. This is an insider's ...
Hard Times, We Lost Our Tender And Our Solar Panel!! Sailor Barry & Hailly
Buy Us A Beer!!: Support: Patreon: PayPal: Ankerplex: Huge thank you to Ankerplex for the goods! Cannot wait to review them ...
Winter Adventures Begin! Life Aboard Continues! Sailor Barry & Hailly
Sailor Barry and Hailly share their experience of navigating through a cold Canadian winter on their sailboat, "Thunderchild." Despite the chilly weather, they find joy in working on boat projects and making improvements to their vessel. They discuss their...
Live aboard Boat Life, Preparing for A Harsh Winter: Sailor Barry & Hailly
Buy Us A Beer!!: Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Season 2 is HERE! And this is the crazy story of how we got Thunder Child! ...
Gathering Fire Wood In Winter On A Spooky Island Sailor Barry and Hailly season 2
In this cold winter episode of Sailor Barry and Haily, the couple travels to Vance Island seeking firewood for the holiday season. Facing wintery conditions and navigating their way through the spooky landscape, they discover an interesting artifact during...
Wooden Boat Featival! Antique Motors! Hovercraft and Boat Work! Sailor Barry & Hailly!
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Season 2 is HERE! Episode! Finally after 2 and a half years we set sail on our 1956 wooden sailboat! And explore the lovely gulf island...
Welcome to Living with the Tide
Welcome to Living with the Tide, whether your a new viewer or a long time subscriber we would love to have you with us on this exciting project. Meet Morna, our 1920's Dickies of Tarbert Gaff Ketch built in Tarbert Scotland. Over the years she has been ta...
Restoring Our Classic Yacht Morna – Episode 3
Hey Guys! Welcome back, In this video we continue working on Morna, removing the fuel tank from the deck and removing caulking, whilst Matt scrapes even more of the hull. We have a long journey ahead, so join us as we take on this exciting project. As al...
Life At Anchor In Vancouver On A Classic Yacht. First Class FIREWORKS!Sailor Barry & Hailly S2 EP4
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Season 2 is HERE! Episode! Finally after 2 and a half years we set sail on our 1956 wooden sailboat! And explore the lovely gulf island...
WILL IT FLOAT? Couple Launches Boat After 2.5 Year Restoration. S1 FINALE Sailor Barry & Hailly Ep30
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 30! Http:// - Barry Http:// - Hailly
DOCUMENTARY: Boat Building! The Decent Into Madness! Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 27!
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 27! Http:// - Barry Http:// - Hailly