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Sailng YouTube Videos

Showing 46-60 of 60 results
She’s Leaving Us For Harvard? / Catamaran Solar & Systems Update / Sailing to Italy [Ep 59]
Sailing Zatara
She’s Leaving Us For Harvard? / Catamaran Solar & Systems Update / Sailing to Italy [Ep 59]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: After leaving Greece, we head to Italy and sail with dolphins, discuss our oldest daughter’s future, install an AWESOME battery monitoring syst...
Crossing the Corinth Canal (Sailing Zatara Ep 58)
Sailing Zatara
Crossing the Corinth Canal (Sailing Zatara Ep 58)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Remember, on all our videos you can skip straight to the parts you are interested in: 1:05 Skip Intro 2:19 Exploring Athens 3:35 Corinth Canal 7:...
SAILING AT NIGHT – Our First Night Passage in a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 57) Cat vs Mono
Sailing Zatara
SAILING AT NIGHT – Our First Night Passage in a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 57) Cat vs Mono
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: What’s it like sailing at night? As we embark on our first night passage in the catamaran, we reminisce to our first passages in the monohull, ...
Redneck Yacht Club –  Welcome to our Floatin’ Doublewide! [Sailing Zatara Ep 56] Cat vs Mono
Sailing Zatara
Redneck Yacht Club – Welcome to our Floatin’ Doublewide! [Sailing Zatara Ep 56] Cat vs Mono
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: It's time to put away the lawn chairs and astroturf and say goodbye to Greece and finally begin sailing west towards the Atlantic! But should we ...
Family Traveling Around the World! 🌎 (Sailing Zatara Ep 55)
Sailing Zatara
Family Traveling Around the World! 🌎 (Sailing Zatara Ep 55)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: While cruising the Med, we take some time off the water to explore Israel and travel to five different countries in Europe! We round out the adve...
WANDERLUST — (noun): a strong, innate desire to roam or travel (Sailing Zatara Ep 54)
Sailing Zatara
WANDERLUST — (noun): a strong, innate desire to roam or travel (Sailing Zatara Ep 54)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Our wanderlust takes us to several of the Aegean Islands, we have our first scuba dive in the Mediterranean, share some MAGNIFICENT drone shots, ...
The Love Boat! (Sailing Zatara Ep 53)
Sailing Zatara
The Love Boat! (Sailing Zatara Ep 53)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: While exploring and enjoying the beautiful Turkish coast, we install a new stainless steel anchor, come upon a rare species of seal, and dive int...
Our First Solo Sail – Catamaran vs Monohull Sailing (Zatara Ep 51)
Sailing Zatara
Our First Solo Sail – Catamaran vs Monohull Sailing (Zatara Ep 51)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: After spending over 3 months in Greece, we finally take off and set sail for Turkey! It is technically our first "solo sail" in the catamaran, so...
LEARN HOW TO SAIL: Weather and Navigation for Beginning Sailors (Z-Log)
Sailing Zatara
LEARN HOW TO SAIL: Weather and Navigation for Beginning Sailors (Z-Log)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: What are the most important things to know before you sail? Keith discusses the two most critical aspects of sailing in this frank z-log while al...
THIS is Why We Are Buying a Catamaran! (Monohull vs. Catamaran) [Sailing Zatara Ep.50]
Sailing Zatara
THIS is Why We Are Buying a Catamaran! (Monohull vs. Catamaran) [Sailing Zatara Ep.50]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: After unpacking all the stuff from our Beneteau, we finally get to leave the marina and get out on the water! In this episode, we compare several...
Family Living on a Boat –  Kids and Repairs and Repairs and Repairs [Sailing Zatara Ep 49]
Sailing Zatara
Family Living on a Boat – Kids and Repairs and Repairs and Repairs [Sailing Zatara Ep 49]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: While still waiting for the closing of the boat, we share with you what typical life is like on the docks: repairs to toilets and water heaters, ...
Sailing a Catamaran – our Transition begins! Catamaran vs Monohull [Zatara Ep 48]
Sailing Zatara
Sailing a Catamaran – our Transition begins! Catamaran vs Monohull [Zatara Ep 48]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: As we hoist the sails for the first time, we discuss fuel costs and compare the pleasant and very evident differences to our monohull. Unfortunat...
Haulout and Jamming, Adventures of an old Seadog, ep 89
Adventures of an old Seadog
Haulout and Jamming, Adventures of an old Seadog, ep 89
Linton Marina. Hauling out the boat. The Shadmiester comes ashore for a long overdue wash and brush up. A lot of work to do to change a dirty bottom into a smooth one! It's not all work, time to party with Malin and Johan from Ran and I take to the stage a...
How-to: Install solar panels on your sailboat | Sailing Zingaro
Sailing Zingaro
How-to: Install solar panels on your sailboat | Sailing Zingaro
How to install solar panels on your sailboat! This is an in-depth video on how I installed my 300W solar system. I'm not advocating any particular vendor, just using what worked best for me. This keeps up with everything I need electricity-wise on my 38'...
Adventures of an old Seadog Episode13 ‘Get Away’
Adventures of an old Seadog
Adventures of an old Seadog Episode13 ‘Get Away’
A little different this week. With an improvement in the weather it's time to play and do some chilaxing in the sunl. My cousin and her friend come to stay on the boat. We take in some sailing and explore paradise in the form of an ideal beach bar! Music ...