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Sailng family YouTube Videos

Showing 1-7 of 7 results
DOLPHIN WARNS DIVERS OF SHARK NEARBY!!…but ridiculous YouTubers just keep on filming [Ep 76]
Sailing Zatara
DOLPHIN WARNS DIVERS OF SHARK NEARBY!!…but ridiculous YouTubers just keep on filming [Ep 76]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: We drop in to enjoy a world renowned reef dive in the southern Bahamas, and are immediately engaged by what we think is an overly friendly dolphi...
DEEP SEA FISHING CATCH CLEAN COOK / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Ep 62)
Sailing Zatara
DEEP SEA FISHING CATCH CLEAN COOK / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Ep 62)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: As we complete our journey through the Mediterranean, we finally catch some fish! Although I'd intended to include the "cook" portion of the even...
Crossing the Corinth Canal (Sailing Zatara Ep 58)
Sailing Zatara
Crossing the Corinth Canal (Sailing Zatara Ep 58)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Remember, on all our videos you can skip straight to the parts you are interested in: 1:05 Skip Intro 2:19 Exploring Athens 3:35 Corinth Canal 7:...
IS TRAVELING TO TURKEY SAFE? A Christian in a Muslim Nation (Z-Log)
Sailing Zatara
IS TRAVELING TO TURKEY SAFE? A Christian in a Muslim Nation (Z-Log)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: We spent several weeks cruising the southwest coast of Turkey and despite all the negative news media coverage, we wanted to give you a little in...
Our First Solo Sail – Catamaran vs Monohull Sailing (Zatara Ep 51)
Sailing Zatara
Our First Solo Sail – Catamaran vs Monohull Sailing (Zatara Ep 51)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: After spending over 3 months in Greece, we finally take off and set sail for Turkey! It is technically our first "solo sail" in the catamaran, so...
LEARN HOW TO SAIL: Weather and Navigation for Beginning Sailors (Z-Log)
Sailing Zatara
LEARN HOW TO SAIL: Weather and Navigation for Beginning Sailors (Z-Log)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: What are the most important things to know before you sail? Keith discusses the two most critical aspects of sailing in this frank z-log while al...
Family Living on a Boat –  Kids and Repairs and Repairs and Repairs [Sailing Zatara Ep 49]
Sailing Zatara
Family Living on a Boat – Kids and Repairs and Repairs and Repairs [Sailing Zatara Ep 49]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: While still waiting for the closing of the boat, we share with you what typical life is like on the docks: repairs to toilets and water heaters, ...