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Sailingvideobysailingaquarius YouTube Videos

Showing 31-45 of 98 results
Once upon a time: Island hopping in Canary islands / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 185
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Once upon a time: Island hopping in Canary islands / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 185
Embark on a journey through the Canary Islands aboard Sailing Aquarius. Dive into island hopping adventures, technical insights, and breathtaking views.
Update No.2 from dismasted Sailing Aquarius
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Update No.2 from dismasted Sailing Aquarius
We made it to Martinique. Circumnavigation is complete. But Aquarius is in terrible condition. So much to do and we are a bit lost. Insurance already sent survey, inspection starts, couple days later the broken masts removed and we just trying to keep up a...
LONG Sail to Canary Islands / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 184
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
LONG Sail to Canary Islands / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 184
When we left Morocco there was no wind at all, but the forecast was showing strong winds - and as we went on it was building up fast. The following day the wind shifted - it’s still way behind us but moved a bit from starboard to port so we had to switc...
MOROCCO via ORCA’s land / Sailing Aquarius Ep 183
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
MOROCCO via ORCA’s land / Sailing Aquarius Ep 183
This week Aquarius voyages across the Strait of Gibraltar. We pass where other boats have been attacked, and a few sunk by Orcas. Ken discusses the currents in the Strait, gives you the reason currents are always (East) into the Med through the Strait. ...
2023 REVIEW – WHAT DID WE DO? / Sailing Aquarius
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
2023 REVIEW – WHAT DID WE DO? / Sailing Aquarius
I think there is no better time to review the year than now - and it was awesome - we started it just as we transited the Suez Canal and sailed straight to Crete Island, Greece, where we left Aquarius to winter out. Meanwhile, we took off to the US - Miami...
Happy Holidays from Sailing Aquarius
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Happy Holidays from Sailing Aquarius
We are wishing everyone Happy Holidays. Be Safe, and be Happy! And thanks so much for watching 🙏 Stay tuned as next Friday 12PM EST we release a new video 🎥 We do our best to keep you entertained and informed and if you find it fun, enjoyable or i...
THUMBS UP!👍🤣 / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 182
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
THUMBS UP!👍🤣 / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 182
After 3.5 days of sailing, in the dark and with magnificent views we reached Gibraltar. Technically we are still in Spain as it’s cheaper and easier without check-in and walking distance from Gibraltar. After some damage, that occurred during the passage...
3 day passage to Gibraltar / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 181
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
3 day passage to Gibraltar / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 181
After a short stay in Palma, Mallorca, we finally got favorable winds to continue our journey further towards the Canary Islands. Seems we will be skipping Ibiza and hope we won’t have to make a stop in Cartagena - we have a few days of wind and if all g...
One Year Sailing in the Mediterranean – Part 2 / Sailing Aquarius
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
One Year Sailing in the Mediterranean – Part 2 / Sailing Aquarius
As we going to sail to the Mediterranean Sea we heard a lot from different friends about what they liked about the particular country/place and what was something they preferred to skip. Everybody shared their opinion sometimes recent sometimes less recent...
One Year Sailing in the Mediterranean – Part 1 / Sailing Aquarius
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
One Year Sailing in the Mediterranean – Part 1 / Sailing Aquarius
As we going to sail to the Mediterranean Sea we heard a lot from different friends about what they liked about the particular country/place and what was something they preferred to skip. Everybody shared their opinion sometimes recent sometimes less recent...
Something we want you to know!  / Sailing Aquarius
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Something we want you to know! / Sailing Aquarius
Just a quick announcement to share... And thanks so much for watching 🙏 Stay tuned as next Friday 1 PM EST we release a new video 🎥 We do our best to keep you entertained and informed and if you find it fun, enjoyable or informative, consider becom...
EYES WIDE OPEN / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 178
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
EYES WIDE OPEN / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 178
This was a special week - we got to tour the beautiful coast of the Mediterranean coast - all the way to the tip of Gibraltar! 2300+ km in a week - we started in Barcelona, then Cullera, Alicante, Marbella, Estepona, Malaga, Benidorm and Valencia! What a t...
The Boat Show Blues & MORE! / Sailing Aquarius Ep 177
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
The Boat Show Blues & MORE! / Sailing Aquarius Ep 177
After crossing from France to Spain and Very enjoyable sail along Spain's coast towards Barcelona, we are tucked in the marina and ready for our guests While in Barcelona we visit Sagrada Família the largest unfinished Catholic church in the world and pr...
Because? Because… BECAUSE! /  Sailing Aquarius Ep.176
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Because? Because… BECAUSE! / Sailing Aquarius Ep.176
We leave France, the French Riviera. A little island next to Hyeres called Porquerolles. We liked it here. to go to Spain - about 150 NM sail… The winds are not as expected, but we make it do - after all, it’s only an overnight sail. Since we are ab...
Tips on how to keep  Z-Admiral happy! – Our Favorite of the Cannes Yachting Festival
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Tips on how to keep Z-Admiral happy! – Our Favorite of the Cannes Yachting Festival
How to keep your Admiral happy - Silwy Products are pretty cool, and we are able to offer you a 15% discount if you use the like below to order and use the discount code Sailing15 . Hope you enjoy! And thanks s...