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Sailing yacht fridá af wisby YouTube Videos

Showing 31-45 of 108 results
Sailing Frida af Wisby streamar live!
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Sailing Frida af Wisby streamar live!
We are a middle aged couple that has left our hectic business lives to go sailing with our boat Fridá af Wisby and our cat Litza. Our goal is not to go to a specific place but to reach a state of mind where we can really enjoy life. Anders has been at...
Ep 69 We start sailing east again   4K
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Ep 69 We start sailing east again 4K
In this episode we start a new chapter of our journey so after the detour around the Atlantic islands we finally start sailing east towards the Mediterranean Sea but first we got to get back to the boat from our hostel in Sweden and fix our watermaker and ...
HMS Falken Special Episode HD 1080p
Sailing Frida af Wisby
HMS Falken Special Episode HD 1080p
This is a special episode about when we were invited aboard the Swedish Navy's school ship HMS Falken to see the ship and see them doing some exercises. We have created this video so that You can get a glimpse of this great ship and the life aboard. Subti...
EP 67 Can you imagine 6 days offshore on a sailboat?   HD 1080p
Sailing Frida af Wisby
EP 67 Can you imagine 6 days offshore on a sailboat? HD 1080p
This episode is part 1 of our 6 days 900 NM long passage from the Azores to Lagos you follow our daily life aboard and we do some exclusive sailby filming of our Wauquiez 47 PS and our buddy boat a Najad 440 under sail so you will actually get som rare foo...
EP 66 Let´s check out Santa Maria Azores   4 K
Sailing Frida af Wisby
EP 66 Let´s check out Santa Maria Azores 4 K
In this episode we rent a car to explore the most southeastern island in the Azores Santa Maria. A beautiful mystical island with lots of waterfalls and green hills. Then we prepare ourselves and Frida for the 900 NM long passage back to Lagos in mainland ...
Atlantic islands Adventure summary special episode
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Atlantic islands Adventure summary special episode
This a special episode that in 10 minutes summarize our entire 2000 NM Atlantic Islands adventure roundtrip. We originally created it for a speak we gave at our local sailing club in Visby but we felt that we wanted to share it here as well. The Atlantic i...
Ep 65 Exploring the green island and a wet sail   4 K
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Ep 65 Exploring the green island and a wet sail 4 K
#sailboat #atlantic #sailing #SãoMiguel #cruisinglife #horsebackriding #cookingonboat #teaplantation #lavatube 00:00 content and channel introduction 00:42 Horseback riding on São Miguel 04:51 Not all sunshine on a boat heavy rainfall 05:57 Cooking sea...
Cattain Litza´s sailing story 2022
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Cattain Litza´s sailing story 2022
In 2022 we did one of the biggest changes to our sailboat when we had a solararch made and stod several months on land but nevertheless we sailed a lot, more than 2000 NM from Lagos out to the Atlantic island archipelagos of Madeira and Azores and then bac...
EP 64 São Miguel Azores active vulcano, hot springs and waterfalls on the green island   HD 1080p
Sailing Frida af Wisby
EP 64 São Miguel Azores active vulcano, hot springs and waterfalls on the green island HD 1080p
We are a middle aged couple that has left our hectic business lives to go sailing with our boat Fridá af Wisby and our cat Litza. Our goal is not to go to a specific place but to reach a state of mind where we can really enjoy life. In this episode we b...
Ep 63B Gourmet cooking in the middle of the Atlantic   HD 1080p
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Ep 63B Gourmet cooking in the middle of the Atlantic HD 1080p
#sailing #atlantic #atlanticocean #boatgalley #cooking #cooking-offshore #espada #sailboat This is a special episode where I attempt to do some more advanced cooking in the middle of the Atlantic. On this 4-day passage to the Azores I decided to cook Esp...
Ep 62 We sail straight out in the Atlantic Ocean   4 K
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Ep 62 We sail straight out in the Atlantic Ocean 4 K
#Sailing #Atlantic #AtlanticSailing #Cookingoffshore #offshoresailing #AtlanticOcean #OceanSailing #Sunset #SunsetSailing #Sunrise #SunriseSailing #moonlight #SailingFridaAfWisby 00:00 Episode 62 Sailing offshore 00:28 Frida af Wisby 00:50 Day 1 The pa...
Ep 61 Will we leave? Madeira part 3   HD 1080p
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Ep 61 Will we leave? Madeira part 3 HD 1080p
@SailingFridaafWisby #SailingTheAtlanticIslands #madeira #sailing #sailboat #TravelBySailboat 00:00 This episode 00:29 Intro Sailing Frida af Wisby 00:54 Guided city walk 05:34 Sleigh ride without snow 08:38 Busstrip and Levada walk 17:30 Classic veteran ...
Ep 60 More of beautiful Madeira part 2   HD 1080p
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Ep 60 More of beautiful Madeira part 2 HD 1080p
In this episode we explore more of beautiful Madeira by making two full day road trip all around the island. We are a middle aged couple that has left our hectic business lives to go sailing with our boat Fridá af Wisby and our cat Litza. Our goal is not...
EP 59 Madeira the most beautiful place we visited so far
Sailing Frida af Wisby
EP 59 Madeira the most beautiful place we visited so far
#Madeira #SailingFridaAfWisby #FunchalMarina #Tintomara In this episode we drive around to explore Madeira together with Tintomara and we get to se Funchals famous blue jacaranda trees and the Flower festival but we start to checkout Funchal Marina. No s...
Ep 58 Sailing to the flower of the Atlantic   4 K
Sailing Frida af Wisby
Ep 58 Sailing to the flower of the Atlantic 4 K
#Sailing #BoaLlife #cruisingLife #SailingTheAtlanticOcean #OceanSailing #SailingInEurope #Porto Santo #Madeira 00:15 Frida af Wisby promo 00:35 It all begins with a dinghy ride 01:02 Exploring the island 04:30 We need shade 05:03 Tintomara comes over 06:1...