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Sailing saba YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Our $35 Cockpit Enclosure  (MJ Sailing – EP 75)
MJ Sailing
Our $35 Cockpit Enclosure (MJ Sailing – EP 75)
With our Atlantic crossing looming, we work hard to get our cockpit enclosed, and finish job with $35 worth of vinyl. Before we get that far though, we take what we hope is the last of our very wet rides, from Saba up to St. Martin. Leaving Elements unde...
Saba – The Unspoiled Queen of the Caribbean (MJ Sailing – EP 74)
MJ Sailing
Saba – The Unspoiled Queen of the Caribbean (MJ Sailing – EP 74)
As we start to sail slightly north again we visit one island which does not get many visitors.....leaving it completely unspoiled for those who do make it there. Leaving Antigua behind, we set out on a NW course with the wind and waves at our back as we ...
Island hopping from St Maarten to Saba – Episode 5
Sailing Parlay Revival
Island hopping from St Maarten to Saba – Episode 5
In this episode we get all our repairs done after a disaster of a sail to St Maarten, we then bounce over to Fourshue island and St Barths to get some waves, then end up in Saba where we scale some mountains and explore the underwater world. To support us...