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Sailing popao YouTube Videos

Showing 121-133 of 133 results
Sailing Queensland: Yellow Patch, Oysters & Coral Trout Beach Fires (Sailing Popao) Ep.41
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Sailing Queensland: Yellow Patch, Oysters & Coral Trout Beach Fires (Sailing Popao) Ep.41
Sailing Queensland, with the weather deteriorating we rush to Pancake creek to hide from the weather where we find oysters and cook up a coral trout feast over a beach fire. With a break in the weather, we then run up to Yellow Patch, Gladstone. SKIP TO ...
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
#shorts Close call with a BIG BULLSHARK off Brisbane, Australia. For bonus content and giveaways please consider supporting us at Patreon: Buy us a beer! ***OUR GEAR*** Quick Dry Will & Wind Towel...
Living the Lady Musgrave Island Life -Spearfishing Wahoo (Sailing Popao) Ep.40
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Living the Lady Musgrave Island Life -Spearfishing Wahoo (Sailing Popao) Ep.40
As we settle in at Lady Musgrave Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia we head out for a dive and go spearfishing for Wahoo with great success. SKIP TO YOUR FAVOURITE PART: 00:00 - Intro 02:30 - Spearfishing 10:19 - Fish Cleaning 12:26 - Fish Give ...
Sailing QLD: Brisbane to Double Island Point, Freediving with Sharks & Surfing at DIP (Popao) Ep.37
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Sailing QLD: Brisbane to Double Island Point, Freediving with Sharks & Surfing at DIP (Popao) Ep.37
Free to roam we load up the boat and hit the high seas, sailing from Brisbane to Double Island Point overnight. We experience the messiest conditions yet as we get thrown around in two opposing swells, experience gusts from 0 to 35 knots and make more sail...
Thieves on the Gold Coast stop us diving, or do they? Behind the Scenes with our new tender Ep.36
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Thieves on the Gold Coast stop us diving, or do they? Behind the Scenes with our new tender Ep.36
In a turn of events we have our engine cowling stolen by thieves but we upgrade to a new tender. It's a beast! Check it out for the behind the scenes of the making of a promo video. For bonus content and giveaways please support us at Patreon: https://ww...
Living on a Sailboat in Queensland, Spearfishing Spanish Mackerel & Hawaiian Poke (Popao) Ep.34
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Living on a Sailboat in Queensland, Spearfishing Spanish Mackerel & Hawaiian Poke (Popao) Ep.34
As we go in to lockdown on our sailboat we rush to replace our solar panel and stock the freezer by spearfishing fresh Spanish Mackerel. We cook it up and make some fresh Hawaiin Poke and enjoy our time on the stunning Gold Coast, Australia on our sailboat...
Wind generator ACCIDENT! Our boat tried to KILL US! Sailing Popao Ep.32
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Wind generator ACCIDENT! Our boat tried to KILL US! Sailing Popao Ep.32
We finally escape the river and start sailing north on the nsw coastline in search of some clear water, but not before more drama on Popao. Our wind generator decided to spit a blade and smash our solar panel in the process and we watch some of the crazies...
Are Bananas bad luck on boats? (Sailing Popao) Ep.30
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Are Bananas bad luck on boats? (Sailing Popao) Ep.30
Possible the roughest two days we've had on the ocean as our tender breaks free leaving us lost at sea. Forced to make a quick decision, check out the full story. 00:00 - Intro 01:28 - Bananas are goodluck right? 3:05 - Jelly fish strike! 4:36 - Jew Fish...
The GREAT Australian CRAB COOK OFF! Spanners Vs Mud Crab,Blue Swimmer & Crayfish Sailing Popao
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
The GREAT Australian CRAB COOK OFF! Spanners Vs Mud Crab,Blue Swimmer & Crayfish Sailing Popao
Ever wondered what's the best eating crab in Australia? Join us in the ultimate crustacean cook-off as we taste test Spanner Crabs, Mud Crabs, Blue Swimmers and the Eastern Rock Lobster against each other. Who will win? For bonus content and giveaways ple...
She Left Me Alone with the Boat! My First Solo Sail & Spearing my Biggest Wahoo Ep.19
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
She Left Me Alone with the Boat! My First Solo Sail & Spearing my Biggest Wahoo Ep.19
Jess had to head back to Sydney for a few days leaving me all alone on Popao. With an amazing forecast I do my first solo sail to Tangalooma wrecks, go spearfishing with Tim & mange to catch my biggest Wahoo to date! If you enjoyed this episode then ...
Survey Day – Should we buy this Catamaran? Ep.3
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Survey Day – Should we buy this Catamaran? Ep.3
It's crunch time, we haul out 'True Love' catamaran for a full survey and we have to make some tough decisions. Will our sailing dreams finally begin? Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this episode then please help our channel grow, tell us what YOU w...
Home sweet home – Camping & Spearfishing in Australia (Underwater Ally Adventures) Ep.14
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Home sweet home – Camping & Spearfishing in Australia (Underwater Ally Adventures) Ep.14
Home, sweet home!! It's so BLOODY good to be back enjoying another Aussie summer. Camping, spearing and relaxing - this is what it's all about. This episode I shoot my first Jewfish and Michael opens his Mulloway account for the season with a stud 26kg bea...
Sailing, Exploring Shipwrecks & Spearfishing dinner at remote Tongan Island Ep.5
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Sailing, Exploring Shipwrecks & Spearfishing dinner at remote Tongan Island Ep.5
Join us as we set sail in Tonga to the remote island group of Kelefesia on our housemates 28ft Jeanneau. We find a shipwreck, do some spearfishing and enjoy some sundowners on our first sailing adventure and cook up our fresh catch. This is living! Thanks...