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Sailboat hacks YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Our favourite 10 ITEMS for LIVING OFF-GRID on a small Sailboat | Ep21
Chasing Currents
Our favourite 10 ITEMS for LIVING OFF-GRID on a small Sailboat | Ep21
WE HAVE A COOKBOOK! - grab it on Kindle here. Please let us know if there's any issues in purchasing :) Thanks all x UK SITE-
10 BEST BOAT LIFE HACKS for liveaboard and cruising – Unforgettable Sailing
Unforgettable Sailing
10 BEST BOAT LIFE HACKS for liveaboard and cruising – Unforgettable Sailing
In this video we show you 10 BOAT HACKS that make our life aboard much easier. They are our TOP BOAT ESSENTIAL ITENS. After experimenting different accessories along these 4 years sailing and living aboard we found that these 10 are the ones we most use an...
3 Boat HACKS you NEED to KNOW  |  Living La Vida Broka
Sailing Zingaro
3 Boat HACKS you NEED to KNOW | Living La Vida Broka
Three tips to save money and time on your boat. Learned during my circumnavigation, I'm passing the knowledge to YOU. Hope you enjoy! If you have anything like this that will help people out, please leave it in the comments! Use Promo Code: “SailingZing...
Boat Hacks: Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50
Rigging Doctor
Boat Hacks: Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50
Check out Part 2: Maddie and Herby demonstrate small things that make a BIG difference for them as both liveaboards and cruisers. Patreon: Merchandise: