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Sail south YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
The PERFECT passage??? ~ Postcards From Bagheera ~ POSTCARD 15
Postcards From Bagheera
The PERFECT passage??? ~ Postcards From Bagheera ~ POSTCARD 15
With trade winds blowing south east every day, it is rare that when heading south east, you can sail downwind. But it happened! We had the perfect weather, with clocking winds that would give us a chance to sail downwind even while sailing around the Berr...
Erie Canal Sailing Practice – Lady K Sailing – Episode 16
Lady K Sailing
Erie Canal Sailing Practice – Lady K Sailing – Episode 16
We've got two weeks left before we leave the Great Lakes and head South through the Erie Canal, Hudson River, and ICW bound for Florida, and on to the Caribbean. Please join us and subscribe. Buy us a beer on