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Ronde island YouTube Videos

Showing 1-5 of 5 results
PARADISE🦞🏝️ Sailing Ronde Island, Sandy Island, and Tobago Cays
Holly and Ray
PARADISE🦞🏝️ Sailing Ronde Island, Sandy Island, and Tobago Cays
This week, we took Holly’s parents sailing. Our first stop was Ronde Island, where we snorkeled with the abundant sea life. The following day, we sailed to Tobago Cays, stopping for an afternoon swim on the picturesque beach of Sandy Island. We celebrate...
Top 5 Dives of the Caribbean – Sailing One Life
Sailing One Life
Top 5 Dives of the Caribbean – Sailing One Life
For the past 18 months we have been sailing and diving our way through the Caribbean. We have picked our personal Top 5 favorite dive sites and will be counting them down one by one. Scuba diving in the Caribbean is truly spectacular, we hope you enjoy ...
Sailing with Locals in Grenada! – Episode 16
Sailing One Life
Sailing with Locals in Grenada! – Episode 16
After spending a month completing projects in the boat yard, we launch One Life and get back on the water! We restock the boat with food before taking our Grenada friends sailing. We have the best day with them and even caught a couple fish! We decide to s...
Life is better SAILING | 92 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
Beau and Brandy Sailing
Life is better SAILING | 92 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
Life is better SAILING | 92 | Beau and Brandy Sailing When we set out last year, we knew we had some experience to gain, lessons to learn and growing to do. What better way to learn to sail your sailboat than to sail it. We love having an electric engine...
Sailing the Caribbean for MONSTER Lobsters and Beach Bonfires | 91 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
Beau and Brandy Sailing
Sailing the Caribbean for MONSTER Lobsters and Beach Bonfires | 91 | Beau and Brandy Sailing
In this episode we leave Saint George Grenada and head to Ronde, a private island just north of Grenada. We go searching for some lobsters with our friends from Tula’s Endless Summer...and boy oh boy do we land some MONSTERS. The island is PERFECT for a ...