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The Push To Launch our Antique Sailboat! Galley Counter Tops and Bronze Hatch! Sailor Barry Ep 23!
The Push To Launch our Antique Sailboat! Galley Counter Tops and Bronze Hatch! Sailor Barry Ep 23!
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 23! Http:// - Barry Http:// - Hailly
Adjusting to life aboard our new 12m sailboat Ep.6
A Life Awry Sailing
Adjusting to life aboard our new 12m sailboat Ep.6
Hi everyone, it's Christmas, our first Christmas onboard.. how cool! In this week's episode we spend a couple of days away from our new boat to housesit for some friends, which reminds us of how much easier living in a house is. We certainly find that livi...
The story about us and we’re flying home to Sweden, Ep 31 Hilma Sailing
Hilma Sailing
The story about us and we’re flying home to Sweden, Ep 31 Hilma Sailing
An introduction, 1,5 years later.. Sorry about that.:) In this episode we tell you about us and our story. During the episode we jump in time and show some pictures from before we sailed away. We also flew home, from Tahiti, in August 2018 for Lisas sist...