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Remodeling YouTube Videos

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The Push To Launch our Antique Sailboat! Galley Counter Tops and Bronze Hatch! Sailor Barry Ep 23!
The Push To Launch our Antique Sailboat! Galley Counter Tops and Bronze Hatch! Sailor Barry Ep 23!
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 23! Http:// - Barry Http:// - Hailly
Introducing Oscar and the Finished Galley | Sailing Wisdom [S3 Ep38]
Rigging Doctor
Introducing Oscar and the Finished Galley | Sailing Wisdom [S3 Ep38]
The galley refit is finished! Maddie gives the new galley a test run in our new sink surrounded by the mahogany butcher block counter top. Herby also gets to work on some other boat projects as the clock ticks away at their time on the hard. Maddie experie...
Building the Galley | Sailing Wisdom [S3 Ep37]
Rigging Doctor
Building the Galley | Sailing Wisdom [S3 Ep37]
Herby gets to work on building the galley out of Sapele Mahogany. The plan is to make an edge grain butcher block counter top that will be strong and beautiful, and build a useful storage solution beneath it. Boat Work! Maddie does a commissioned portrait ...
Want to See my Seacock? | Sailing Wisdom [S3 Ep33]
Rigging Doctor
Want to See my Seacock? | Sailing Wisdom [S3 Ep33]
The head refit is coming along nicely! The old seacock is removed, the wood paneling gets installed, and most importantly: Maddie sprains her ankle! Maddie is out of commission for the next several days as she waits for her ankle to heal while Herby keeps ...