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Racing sail design YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
WHY Two Headsails? [Cutter vs Slutter vs Solent] | Sailing Wisdom
Rigging Doctor
WHY Two Headsails? [Cutter vs Slutter vs Solent] | Sailing Wisdom
▸ SUBSCRIBE DIRECTLY with us so you never miss an episode: ▸ PAINTING COMMISIONS: What do Cutters, Slutters, and Solents have in common? Two headsails! ↓BINGE WATCH↓ CROSSING TH...
Where SHOULD the Headstay Connect? | Sailing Wisdom
Rigging Doctor
Where SHOULD the Headstay Connect? | Sailing Wisdom
What does it mean when a sailboat has a “masthead rig” or a “fractional rig”? This video covered the differences as well as the advantages that these two rigs have and offer in terms of stoutness and adjustability. Patreon:
Do You NEED One or Two Headsails? | Sailing Wisdom
Rigging Doctor
Do You NEED One or Two Headsails? | Sailing Wisdom
Which sails better? Which has better performance? Why do these differences exist? This video will make it clear the differences between these two common rig styles and will help you understand why they perform differently. Patreon: