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Pub YouTube Videos

Showing 1-7 of 7 results
WIN AN FTB MUG + We made our own desert island pub! – Sailing EP 153
WIN AN FTB MUG + We made our own desert island pub! – Sailing EP 153
What do you do when you arrive at the bar and it's closed? Open it yourself, of course! Liz gets behind the bar at "The Rose & Crown" in a posh (closed) hotel on a sun-kissed island, and serves Jamie his favourite beer. And the charts continue to mak...
A Week of Guest Ale Reviewers – Ep 12 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
A Week of Guest Ale Reviewers – Ep 12 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
E12 Weekly Blog of our Narrowboat Travels. We left Hertford this week and returned down the River Lee Navigation. It was a week of guest beer reviewers and plenty of real ales. Tony from "Its a Narrowboat Life" joined us at The Old Barge in Hertford, a pop...
The Lee Navigation – Ep 11 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
The Lee Navigation – Ep 11 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
E11 Weekly Blog of our Narrowboat travels. After our recovery from the mighty Thames, we left Limehouse Basin and headed on to the Regent's Canal, a 9 mile waterway winding through the heart of King's Cross. Then we turned onto the Hertford Union Canal or ...
The Calm Before the Storm – Ep 9 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
The Calm Before the Storm – Ep 9 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
E9 Weekly Blog of our Narrowboat travels. Another fantastic week on the Thames. We went from Windsor through to Kingston. We got ready to do the tidal section of the Thames River. This is Part 1 of a 2 part story. Enjoy. Keep an eye out for next week's epi...
The Mighty Thames – Ep 8 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
The Mighty Thames – Ep 8 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
E8 Weekly Blog of our Narrowboat travels. The Thames River current warnings dropped to amber so we were good to go. We have had a great week on the Thames. Still very scary in places but nothing like our first glimpse of the river. Enjoy. Keep an eye out f...
The Most Terrifying Day Afloat – Ep 6 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
The Most Terrifying Day Afloat – Ep 6 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
E6 Weekly Blog of our Narrowboat travels. After Australia Day we were iced in again then found some great pubs. We even found a 10/10 beer and a 10/10 pub. We had a great look around Oxford. We left the canal network and had the most terrifying trip down t...
Australia to England – Ep1 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Australia to England – Ep1 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
E1 Weekly Blog of our narrowboat travels. After years of thinking about traveling the canals of England, we have finally done it. We bought a narrowboat. We sold all our cattle, turned the water off and locked the front gate at the farm. Then hopped onto t...