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Productions YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 61 results
The amazing disappearing car
Adventures of an old Seadog
The amazing disappearing car
Oh no my car has disappeared!
Lifeboat engine test
Adventures of an old Seadog
Lifeboat engine test
Been a while since I put up a video. I've a pile of videos shot but need editing so expect more soon. In this video I was mostly just along for the ride while engineers tested some work they'd done on the engine. It was just nice to be out in good weather!
Spearfishing – Red Emperor
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Spearfishing – Red Emperor
Spearing my 1st Red Emperor on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. SUBSCRIBE FOR FORTNIGHTLY HD CONTENT! 9AM THURSDAYS EST! For exclusive bonus content visit our Facebook page! http://www.underwaterallypr...
Bad Toilet paper day
Adventures of an old Seadog
Bad Toilet paper day
I needed toilet paper but that morning I'd cut up my bank card by mistake and then the car broke down. It was going to be a bad day. A true story.
Spearfishing – Don’t need snow to ski
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Spearfishing – Don’t need snow to ski
Ever been towed by a fish? Probably not like this... Don't forget to subscribe for regular content! Like Facebook page for bonus content: Visit our official website!
Titanic crew in Plymouth
Adventures of an old Seadog
Titanic crew in Plymouth
Be sure to watch the eerie scene at the end. I meant to do this as a project for the 100th anniversary of the Titanic crew arriving in Plymouth in April 2012. There was so much in the press and on T.V. at that time that I think people had had enough of the...
‘The Last night of my life’ at the Westie
Adventures of an old Seadog
‘The Last night of my life’ at the Westie
A little sample of some of the original material I'm working on. The video and sound quality isn't that good as it was filmed live in a pub with basic gear and no light. The song 'Last Night' was written some years ago about a friend of mine who used to l...
French fishing boat rescue. Uncut version
Adventures of an old Seadog
French fishing boat rescue. Uncut version
The Plymouth Lifeboat takes a French fishing boat under tow in a force 9 gale. I filmed this 8th June. a shorter version was used on T.V. by the B.B.C. This Video is copyright RNLI and
Let the sun shine
Adventures of an old Seadog
Let the sun shine
An original song from me. Not really a sea shanty but still a tale of the ocean.
Double trouble
Adventures of an old Seadog
Double trouble
Nothing serious, just messing around with a few ideas. Since I haven't done a video for a while thought I'd put this up. I'm using two harmonicas, one played normally and the other in 'cross harp' style. That is they are in different keys so one is blown ...
Fat man on a skateboard
Adventures of an old Seadog
Fat man on a skateboard
Blubber trying to look cool!
The Ripstick Kid
Adventures of an old Seadog
The Ripstick Kid
the ripstick kid and his dad!
Oldies remix
Adventures of an old Seadog
Oldies remix
Lots of people asking me to bring back and make new funny videos old school style. Lots of new videos coming soon. In the meantime here is a remix of some funny bits from the last few years.
The Guerrilla cooking show Ep.5. Bean Curry
Adventures of an old Seadog
The Guerrilla cooking show Ep.5. Bean Curry
Wow, it's another Guerrilla cooking show, and this time it's BEAN CURRY! Simple cooking for simple folk.
Dolphin run
Adventures of an old Seadog
Dolphin run
I think this is the best video I've done for a while. Filmed from a boat doing 20 knots a wild but friendly dolphin rides our bow wave. A couple of times he/she rolled over and looked directly at us as if to say Hi ! Great music from Jason Shaw really ...