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Portholes YouTube Videos

Showing 1-5 of 5 results
Getting tattooed on a classic sailboat in Costa Rica | Sailing Sitka Ep 154
Sailing Sitka
Getting tattooed on a classic sailboat in Costa Rica | Sailing Sitka Ep 154
Jay and Kenna have sailed their 41 foot sailboat from Canada to Costa Rica of the period of 2 years. Such an adventure does not come without obstacles including trial and errors. During their travels in Central America, they also met a fellow offshore sail...
Wilda’s portholes – S01 E15 – DIY Catamaran
Building Wilda
Wilda’s portholes – S01 E15 – DIY Catamaran
In this episode Wilda gets a side view :) Music:
Sailing Avocet | Port Light Rebuild
Sailing Avocet
Sailing Avocet | Port Light Rebuild
As soon as we finished varnishing our aft stateroom, we jumped right into our next project which was restoring our portlights and cabin sides. A lot has changed in 30 years since Avocet was built, check out how we gave her new life! ⛵✨ __ Follow us on ...
Porthole Frames, Plasma Cutting and Light Painting
SV Seeker
Porthole Frames, Plasma Cutting and Light Painting
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. - Colin Powell Blog: Store:
Mast, Keels, and Portholes
SV Seeker
Mast, Keels, and Portholes
Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction. -- Anne Frank See more of the welding truck build on Tyler Lay's YouTube Channel: Blog: Store: http:...