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Port of olympia YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Exploring Henderson Inlet & Trails around Olympia | Boating Journey
Boating Journey
Exploring Henderson Inlet & Trails around Olympia | Boating Journey
In episode 129, we continue our stay in the tiny house on Henderson Inlet. During our stay, we went kayaking, we checked out Swantown Marina and hiked the trails of Chehalis Woodward Trail, Priest Point Park, including Ellis Cove. There is so much to do i...
Living in a tiny home in Olympia | Boating Journey
Boating Journey
Living in a tiny home in Olympia | Boating Journey
In episode 128, we try living for 4 days in a tiny home on Henderson Inlet, just north of Olympia, WA to see if we can survive living in close quarters. We rented this tiny home from Air B n B. There is a lot to do around Olympia and Henderson Inlet, so be...